#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This file is part of the PALM model system. # # PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # PALM. If not, see . # # Copyright 1997-2018 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Current revisions: # ----------------- # # # Former revisions: # ----------------- # $Id: palm_gf_tools.py 4393 2020-02-04 21:24:48Z oliver.maas $ # Initial revision # # # # # # Description: # ------------ # # # Instructions: # ------------- # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------! import sys import os import sqlite3 from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic import subprocess as sub import palm_gf_conf as configwr palm_dir = os.getcwd() palm_bin = palm_dir + '/trunk/SCRIPTS' qtCreatorFile = palm_bin + '/palm_gf_files/palm_gf_table.ui' Ui_MainWindow, QtBaseClass = uic.loadUiType(qtCreatorFile) class MyApp3(QtGui.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): class MyTableWidgetItem(QtGui.QTableWidgetItem): def __init__(self, text, sortKey): QtGui.QTableWidgetItem.__init__(self, text, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem.UserType) self.sortKey = sortKey def __lt__(self, other): return self.sortKey < other.sortKey def __init__(self): # def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) Ui_MainWindow.__init__(self) framegm = self.frameGeometry() screen = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().screenNumber(QtGui.QApplication.desktop().cursor().pos()) centerpoint = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry(screen).center() framegm.moveCenter(centerpoint) #centerpoint = str(centerpoint) #xcenter = centerpoint.split('(')[1].split(',')[0] #ycenter = centerpoint.split('(')[1].split(',')[1].split(')')[0] ##print xcenter, ycenter #centerpoint = QtCore.QPoint(int(xcenter) + 418, int(ycenter)) #framegm.moveCenter(centerpoint) self.move(framegm.topLeft()) self.setupUi(self) self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.load_result) #self.nx_min.valueChanged.connect(self.check) self.load_trigger() self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.filter_results) #self.Sortnow_button.clicked.connect(self.sort_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.load_trigger) self.tableWidget.horizontalHeader().setClickable(True) self.nx_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("nx"))) self.ny_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("ny"))) self.nz_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("nz"))) self.npex_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("npex"))) self.npey_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("npey"))) self.npexnpey_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("npexnpey"))) self.np_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("np"))) self.ngpts_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("ngpts"))) self.nxpex_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("nxnpex"))) self.nypey_table.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sort_table(str("nynpey"))) self.instant() self.save_to_file_button.clicked.connect(self.get_path) def instant(self): checkfile = open(".palm_gf_tmp", "r") # self.result_label.setText(str(checkfile.readline())) res_text = str(checkfile.readline()) # XXX result_nr = res_text.split(' ')[2] checkfile.close() if int(result_nr) < 100000: self.load_result() def load_trigger(self): pathx = configwr.read_config() pathx = pathx[19] dtb = str('.palm_gf_data.db') #con = sqlite3.connect("/localdata/.palm_gf_data.db") pathx = pathx + '/.palm_gf_data.db' con = sqlite3.connect(pathx) c = con.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM " + 'grid_limits') mini = c.fetchone() max = c.fetchone() self.nx_min.setValue(mini[0]) self.nx_max.setValue(max[0]) self.ny_min.setValue(mini[1]) self.ny_max.setValue(max[1]) self.nz_min.setValue(mini[2]) self.nz_max.setValue(max[2]) self.npex_min.setValue(mini[3]) self.npex_max.setValue(max[3]) self.npey_min.setValue(mini[4]) self.npey_max.setValue(max[4]) self.npxnpy_min.setValue(mini[5]) self.npxnpy_max.setValue(max[5]) self.np_min.setValue(mini[6]) self.np_max.setValue(max[6]) self.ngpts_min.setValue(mini[7]) self.ngpts_max.setValue(max[7]) self.nxpex_min.setValue(mini[8]) self.nxpex_max.setValue(max[8]) self.nypey_min.setValue(mini[9]) self.nypey_max.setValue(max[9]) self.nx_min.setMinimum(mini[0]) self.nx_max.setMaximum(max[0]) self.ny_min.setMinimum(mini[1]) self.ny_max.setMaximum(max[1]) self.nz_min.setMinimum(mini[2]) self.nz_max.setMaximum(max[2]) self.npex_min.setMinimum(mini[3]) self.npex_max.setMaximum(max[3]) self.npey_min.setMinimum(mini[4]) self.npey_max.setMaximum(max[4]) self.npxnpy_min.setMinimum(mini[5]) self.npxnpy_max.setMaximum(max[5]) self.np_min.setMinimum(mini[6]) self.np_max.setMaximum(max[6]) self.ngpts_min.setMinimum(mini[7]) self.ngpts_max.setMaximum(max[7]) self.ngpts_min.setMaximum(max[7]) self.ngpts_max.setMinimum(mini[7]) self.nxpex_min.setMinimum(mini[8]) self.nxpex_max.setMaximum(max[8]) self.nxpex_min.setMaximum(max[8]) self.nxpex_max.setMinimum(mini[8]) self.nypey_min.setMinimum(mini[9]) self.nypey_max.setMaximum(max[9]) self.nypey_min.setMaximum(max[9]) self.nypey_max.setMinimum(mini[9]) con.commit() c.close() con.close() def check(self): pathx = configwr.read_config() pathx = pathx[19] dtb = str('.palm_gf_data.db') #con = sqlite3.connect("/localdata/.palm_gf_data.db") con = sqlite3.connect(pathx + '/.palm_gf_data.db') c = con.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM " + 'grid_limits') mini = c.fetchone() max = c.fetchone() if self.nx_min.value() < mini[0]: self.nx_min.setValue(mini[0]) def process1(self): self.calc_label.setText('loading...') QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() def load_result(self): #print("LOADED!!!") import decimal pathx = configwr.read_config() pathx = pathx[19] self.setEnabled(False) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() self.load_trigger() self.process1() database = str('.palm_gf_data.db') conn = sqlite3.connect(pathx + '/.palm_gf_data.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM " + 'grid_current') results = c.fetchall() self.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(results)) i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 while i < len(results): line = results[i] while j < 10: var = line[j] if j == 7: self.tableWidget.setItem(i, j, self.MyTableWidgetItem(str("%.1e" % var), j + i)) #print("%.2e" % int(var), "%.4e" % int(1782)) else: self.tableWidget.setItem(i, j, self.MyTableWidgetItem(str(var), j+i)) #item = self.MyTableWidgetItem(str(var), k) #self.tableWidget.setItem(i, j, item) j += 1 #if j == 3: #print(k) #k += 1 #k -= 7 k += 1 j = 0 i += 1 c.close() conn.close() self.calc_label.setText('loading completed') self.label_11.setText(str(len(results)) + ' results ') self.setEnabled(True) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() def filter_results(self): pathx = configwr.read_config() pathx = pathx[19] self.setEnabled(False) self.calc_label.setText('calculating...') QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() database = str('.palm_gf_data.db') conn = sqlite3.connect(pathx + '/.palm_gf_data.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM " + "grid_current") results = c.fetchall() #print(results) self.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(results)) i = 0 j = 0 row_cnt = -1 while i < len(results): line = results[i] if line[0] <= self.nx_max.value(): if line[0] >= self.nx_min.value(): if line[1] <= self.ny_max.value(): if line[1] >= self.ny_min.value(): if line[2] <= self.nz_max.value(): if line[2] >= self.nz_min.value(): if line[3] <= self.npex_max.value(): if line[3] >= self.npex_min.value(): if line[4] <= self.npey_max.value(): if line[4] >= self.npey_min.value(): if line[5] <= self.npxnpy_max.value(): if line[5] >= self.npxnpy_min.value(): if line[6] <= self.np_max.value(): if line[6] >= self.np_min.value(): if line[7] <= self.ngpts_max.value(): if line[7] >= self.ngpts_min.value(): if line[8] <= self.nxpex_max.value(): if line[8] >= self.nxpex_min.value(): if line[9] <= self.nypey_max.value(): if line[9] >= self.nypey_min.value(): row_cnt += 1 while j < 10: var = line[j] if j == 7: self.tableWidget.setItem(row_cnt, j, self.MyTableWidgetItem(str("%.1e" % var), i)) else: self.tableWidget.setItem(row_cnt, j, self.MyTableWidgetItem(str(var), i)) j += 1 j = 0 i += 1 c.close() conn.close() self.tableWidget.setRowCount(row_cnt + 1) self.setEnabled(True) self.calc_label.setText('calculation completed') self.label_11.setText(str(row_cnt + 1) + ' results') QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() def sort_table(self, column): fnx_mn = self.nx_min.value() fnx_mx = self.nx_max.value() fny_mn = self.ny_min.value() fny_mx = self.ny_max.value() fnz_mn = self.nz_min.value() fnz_mx = self.nz_max.value() fnpex_mn = self.npex_min.value() fnpex_mx = self.npex_max.value() fnpey_mn = self.npex_min.value() fnpey_mx = self.npey_max.value() fnpxnpy_mn = self.npxnpy_min.value() fnpxnpy_mx = self.npxnpy_max.value() fnp_mn = self.np_min.value() fnp_mx = self.np_max.value() fngpts_mn = self.ngpts_min.value() fngpts_mx = self.ngpts_max.value() nxpex_mn = self.nxpex_min.value() nxpex_mx = self.nxpex_max.value() nypey_mn = self.nypey_min.value() nypey_mx = self.nypey_max.value() if column == str("nx"): sorted_col = "nx" if self.nx_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("ny"): sorted_col = "ny" if self.ny_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("nz"): sorted_col = "nz" if self.nz_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("npex"): sorted_col = "npex" if self.npex_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("npey"): sorted_col = "npey" if self.npey_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("npexnpey"): sorted_col = "npxnpy" if self.npexnpey_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("np"): sorted_col = "np" if self.np_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("ngpts"): sorted_col = "ngpts" if self.ngpts_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("nxnpex"): sorted_col = "nxnpex" if self.nxpex_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nypey_table.setChecked(False) if column == str("nynpey"): sorted_col = "nynpey" if self.nypey_table.isChecked() is True: order = " DESC" else: order = " ASC" self.ny_table.setChecked(False) self.nz_table.setChecked(False) self.npex_table.setChecked(False) self.npey_table.setChecked(False) self.npexnpey_table.setChecked(False) self.np_table.setChecked(False) self.nx_table.setChecked(False) self.ngpts_table.setChecked(False) self.nxpex_table.setChecked(False) else: pass pathx = configwr.read_config() pathx = pathx[19] conn = sqlite3.connect(pathx + "/.palm_gf_data.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM grid_current WHERE nx <= " + str(fnx_mx) + " AND nx >= " + str(fnx_mn) + " AND ny <= " + str(fny_mx) + " AND ny >= " + str(fny_mn) + " AND nz <= " + str(fnz_mx) + " AND nz >= " + str(fnz_mn) + " AND npex <= " + str(fnpex_mx) + " AND npex >= " + str(fnpex_mn) + " AND npey <= " + str(fnpey_mx) + " AND npey >= " + str(fnpey_mn) + " AND " "npxnpy <= " + str(fnpxnpy_mx) + " AND npxnpy >= " + str(fnpxnpy_mn) + " AND np <= " + str(fnp_mx) + " AND np >= " + str(fnp_mn) + " AND ngpts <= " + str(fngpts_mx) + " AND ngpts >= " + str(fngpts_mn) + " AND nxnpex <= " + str(nxpex_mx) + " AND nxnpex >= " + str(nxpex_mn) + " AND nynpey <= " + str(nypey_mx) + " AND nynpey >= " + str(nypey_mn) + " ORDER BY " + str(sorted_col) + str(order)) sorted = c.fetchall() c.close() conn.close() self.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(sorted)) for row_indx in range(0,len(sorted)): for col_indx in range(0,10): row = sorted[row_indx] value = row[col_indx] if col_indx == 7: self.tableWidget.setItem(row_indx, col_indx, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str("%.1e" % value))) else: self.tableWidget.setItem(row_indx, col_indx, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(value))) def sort_order(self): sorted = 0 fnx_mn = self.nx_min.value() fnx_mx = self.nx_max.value() fny_mn = self.ny_min.value() fny_mx = self.ny_max.value() fnz_mn = self.nz_min.value() fnz_mx = self.nz_max.value() fnpex_mn = self.npex_min.value() fnpex_mx = self.npex_max.value() fnpey_mn = self.npex_min.value() fnpey_mx = self.npey_max.value() fnpxnpy_mn = self.npxnpy_min.value() fnpxnpy_mx = self.npxnpy_max.value() fnp_mn = self.np_min.value() fnp_mx = self.np_max.value() fngpts_mn = self.ngpts_min.value() fngpts_mx = self.ngpts_max.value() if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(1): sorted_col = "nx" if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(2): sorted_col = "ny" if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(3): sorted_col = "nz" if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(4): sorted_col = "npex" if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(5): sorted_col = "npey" if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(6): sorted_col = "npxnpy" if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(7): sorted_col = "np" if str(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) == str(8): sorted_col = "ngpts" #print(self.Sortvariable_box.currentIndex()) if str(self.Sortorder_box.currentIndex()) == str(1): order = " ASC" if str(self.Sortorder_box.currentIndex()) == str(2): order = " DESC" conn = sqlite3.connect("/localdata/.palm_gf_data.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM grid_current WHERE nx <= " + str(fnx_mx) + " AND nx >= " + str(fnx_mn) + " AND ny <= " + str(fny_mx) + " AND ny >= " + str(fny_mn) + " AND nz <= " + str(fnz_mx) + " AND nz >= " + str(fnz_mn) + " AND npex <= " + str(fnpex_mx) + " AND npex >= " + str(fnpex_mn) + " AND npey <= " + str(fnpey_mx) + " AND npey >= " + str(fnpey_mn) + " AND " "npxnpy <= " + str(fnpxnpy_mx) + " AND npxnpy >= " + str(fnpxnpy_mn) + " AND np <= " + str(fnp_mx) + " AND np >= " + str(fnp_mn) + " AND ngpts <= " + str(fngpts_mx) + " AND ngpts >= " + str(fngpts_mn) + " ORDER BY " + str(sorted_col) + str(order)) sorted = c.fetchall() c.close() conn.close() self.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(sorted)) for row_indx in range(0,len(sorted)): for col_indx in range(0,8): row = sorted[row_indx] value = row[col_indx] self.tableWidget.setItem(row_indx, col_indx, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(var))) #print(len(sorted)) #print(sorted) def get_path(wildcard): import wx app = wx.App(None) style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Open', wildcard='*.db') if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dialog.GetPath() print(path, file) else: path = None dialog.Destroy() return if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) window = MyApp3() window.setWindowTitle('Gridfilter') window.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())