The installation and operation of PALM requires at mimimum (for the advanced method on both, the local and the remote host, unless stated otherwise):
The examples given in this chapter refer to an installation of PALM on an IMUK Linux workstation and (for the advanced method) the SGI-ICE system of HLRN, used as remote host. They are just referred to as local and remote host from now on.
The installation process for the advanced method requires a valid account on the local and on the remote host as well.
The advanced installation method is described below. For the simple method see the end of this chapter.
<username on remote host>@<remote
and on the remote host:
<username on local host>@<local IP-adddress>
Package Installation
The first installation step requires creating a set of directories on the local and, for the advanced method, on the remote host. These are:
The names of these directories can be freely selected (except ~/job_queue), however new users should choose them as suggested, since many examples in this documentation as well as all example files are based on these settings. The directory ~/palm/current_version on the local host will be called the working directory from now on.
In the second step a working copy of the recent PALM version, including the source code, scripts, documentation, etc. must be copied to the working directory (local host!) by executing the following commands. Replace <your username> by the name that you have chosen to access the repository, and <#> by any of the available PALM releases, e.g. "3.7a" (new releases will be announced to members of the PALM mailing list).
You will then be prompted for your password. After completion, there should be a subdirectory trunk in your working directory. It contains a number of further subdirectories, which contain e.g. the PALM source code (SOURCE) and the scripts for running PALM (SCRIPTS).
Alternatively, executing
svn checkout --username <your username> svn://<#> abcde
will place your working copy in a directory named abcde (instead of a directory named trunk). But keep in mind that you will have to adjust several paths given below, if you do not use the default directory trunk.
Please never touch any file in your working copy of PALM, unless you know what you are doing.
You can also get a copy of the most recent developer code by executing
svn checkout --username <your username> svn:// trunkThis version may contain new features (they might not be documented well), but it may also contain bugs.
Package Configuration
To use the PALM scripts, the PATH-variable has to be extended and the environment variable PALM_BIN has to be set (on local and remote host) in the respective profile of the users default shell (e.g. in .profile, if ksh is used):
You may have to login again in order to activate these settings.
On the local and on the remote host, some small helper/utility programs have to be installed, which are later used by mrun e.g. for PALM data postprocessing. The installation is done by mbuild. This script requires a configuration file .mrun.config, which will be also used by mrun in the following. A copy has to be put into the working directory under the name .mrun.config bycp trunk/SCRIPTS/.mrun.config.default .mrun.config
Beside many other things, this file contains typical installation parameters like compiler name, compiler options, etc. for a set of different (remote) hosts. Please edit this file, uncomment lines likeby removing the first hash (#) character and replace the string "<replace by ...>" by your username on the respective host given in the <host identifier>. You only have to uncomment lines for those hosts on which you intend to use PALM.
Warning: When editing the configuration file, please NEVER use the TAB key. Otherwise, very confusing errors may occur when mrun is executing.
Beside the default configuration file .mrun.config.default, the directory trunk/SCRIPTS contains additional configuration files which are already adjusted for special hosts, e.g. .mrun.config.imuk can be used at Hannover University, etc.. These files have to be edited in the same way as described above.
After modifying the configuration file, the respective executables are generated by executing
mbuild -u -h lcmuk
mbuild -u -h
second call also copies the PALM scripts (like mrun and mbuild) to the
Pre-Compilation of PALM Code
The pre-compilation for the remote host (here the SGI-ICE system of HLRN) is done by
mbuild will prompt some queries, which must all be answered "y" by the user. The compiling process will take some time. mbuild transfers the respective compiler calls to the remote host where they are carried out interactively. You can follow the progress at the terminal window, where also error messages are displayed (hopefully not for this standard installation). By just entering
PALM will be (consecutively) pre-compiled for all remote hosts listed in the configuration file. If you want to compile for the local host only, please enter
mbuild -h lcmuk
Installation Verification
As a last step, after the compilation has been finished, the PALM installation has to be verified. For this purpose a simple test run is carried out. This once again requires the mrun configuration file (described in chapter 3.2), as well as the parameter file (described in chapter 4.4.1). The parameter file must be copied from the PALM working copy byThe test run can now be started by executing the command
mrun -d example_cbl -h lcsgih -K parallel -X 8 -T 8 -t 500 -q testq -r “d3# pr#”This specific run will be carried out on 8 PEs and is allowed to use up to 500 seconds CPU time. After pressing <return>, the most important settings of the job are displayed at the terminal window and the user is prompted for o.k. (“y”). Next, a message of the queuing system like “Request … Submitted to queue… by…” should be displayed. Now the job is queued and either started immediately or at a later time, depending on the current workload of the remote host. Provided that it is executed immediately and that all things work as designed, the job protocol of this run will appear under the file name ~/job_queue/lcsgih_example no more than a few minutes later. The content of this file should be carefully examined for any error messages.
Beside the job protocol and according to the configuration file and arguments given for mrun options -d and -r,further files should be found in the directories
Please compare the contents of file
with those of the example result file which can be found under trunk/INSTALL/example_cbl_rc., e.g. by using the standard diff command:
diff JOBS/example_cbl/MONITORING/lcsgih_example_cbl_rc trunk/INSTALL/example_cbl_rc
where it is assumed that your working directory is ~/palm/current_version.
You should not find any difference between these two files, except of the run date and time displayed at the top of the file header. If the file contents are identical, the installation is successfully completed.Configuration for other machines
Starting from version 3.2a, beside the default hosts (HLRN, etc.), PALM can also be installed and run on other Linux-Cluster-, IBM-AIX, or NEC-SX-systems. To configure PALM for a non-default host only requires to add some lines to the configuration file .mrun.config.If you have any problems
with the PALM
installation, the members of the PALM working group are pleased to
help you.
The simple installation method is using the scripts palm_simple_install and palm_simple_run for installing and running PALM.
First step: Create a directory:
You can freely choose the directory name, but if you intend to switch to the advanced method of running PALM later, you should use ~/palm/current_version. This directory will be called working directory from now on.
Second step: Check out a working copy of the recent PALM version from the svn-repository. Replace <your username> by your valid repository username, and <#> by any of the available PALM releases, e.g. "3.7a" (new releases will be announced to members of the PALM mailing list).
will be prompted for your password. After completion, a subdirectory trunk will appear in your working directory. It contains a number of further
subdirectories, which contain e.g. the PALM source code (SOURCE)
and the scripts for running PALM (SCRIPTS). For checking out the most recent PALM version (developer version), see the advanced installation method described above.
Please never touch any file in your working copy of PALM, unless you really know what you are doing.
Configuration and compilation
Third step: To use the PALM scripts, the PATH-variable has to be extended and the environment variable PALM_BIN has to be set. For convenience, setting should be done in the respective profile of the users default shell (e.g. in .profile, if ksh is used):
may have to login again in order to activate the profile settings.
Fourth step: Call the installation script:
palm_simple_install -i
The script copies the PALM source code into a new subdirectory MAKE_DEPOSITORY_simple. This directory also will contain a Makefile and an include file
to be used for compiling the code in the next step. The include file
contains compiler name, compiler options, library path for NetCDF, etc.
Please adjust these settings as required by your system, before you proceed with the next step. The default settings in
are for the Intel-FORTRAN compiler in the IMUK environment. You may
find default settings for other compilers and environments in .../trunk/INSTALL/ See for files*.
cd ..
In order to shorten compilation time, you can run make in parallel, e.g. make -j 4 runs 4 compile threads simultaneously.
Fifth step: Carry out a test
run in order to check the installation. The test run (as every PALM
run) requires a parameter file for steering PALM, which is in
FORTRAN-NAMELIST format. This file has been already generated by the
installation script palm_simple_install under JOBS/example_cbl/INPUT/example_cbl_p3d. PALM is started with script palm_simple_run. Before the first run, it may be necessary to change the MPI-execution command (mpiexec, mpirun, etc.) and options in this script, depending on the MPI-library that you are using. The script can be found in directory .../trunk/SCRIPTS.
Default settings in this script are for the SGI-mpt-library installed
on HLRN. You will find the execution command almost at the end of this
script. After having adjusted the MPI-execution command, start the run
palm_simple_run -p 4 -n 4 -c example_cbl
where option -p gives the total number of MPI tasks, -n gives the number of MPI tasks per node, and -c gives the parameter file to be used.
After the run has finished, all OUTPUT files can be found in directory OUTPUT.... Names and contents of PALM output files are described in chapter 3.4.
The directory name is composed of the parameter file name, the number
of cores that have been used, and the current data and time. For every
run a unique directory is created.
Sixth step: To verify the results of this example run, compare it with the default result:
diff OUTPUT..../RUN_CONTROL trunk/INSTALL/example_cbl_rc
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