#!/bin/ksh #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This file is part of PALM. # # PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # PALM. If not, see . # # Copyright 1997-2014 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Current revisions: # ----------------- # # # Former revisions: # ----------------- # $Id: document_changes 1328 2014-03-21 11:00:33Z schwenkel $ # # 1326 2014-03-21 10:44:31Z maronga # Initial revision # # Description: # ------------ # This tool moves text from "Current Revisions:" to "Former Revisions:" and # adds the svn timestamp. It works with the folders SOURCE and SCRIPTS # # Usage: # a) go to the source directory (e.g. current_version/trunk/SOURCE and # perform "document_changes", # b) or call "document_changes" directly and add the path to the source code as # argument # (e.g. document_changes current_version/trunk/SOURCE) # # Note: # The script will only work properly if the two following conditions are met: # 1) the 2nd line after "Current Revisions:" must contain text, # 2) the last line before "Former Revisions:" must not contain text. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # #-- define variables comments="" #: variable contains the CR text comment_char=="!" #: comment character count_changes=0 #: count the number of files with CR text count_files=0 #: count the number of files filename="" #: current file name to be scanned file_firstchar="" #: first character of filename file_lastchar="" #: last character of filename file_extension="" #: filename extension found_comment=false #: true/false if a CR text was found IFS='' #: set standard delimiter to empty string input_dir="" #: directory of the source code line="" #: containts the current line of filename line_count=0 #: counter to the line no. of the file line_start=9999999 #: line no. where CR text starts line_stop=0 #: line no. where Cr text ends line_tmp="" #: first 19 characters of line list_delete="" #: contains the line no. that must be deleted from CR timestamp="" #: the svn timestamp of the file # #-- get input directory input_dir=$1 if [[ "$input_dir" == "" ]] then input_dir=`pwd` fi printf "\n *** Checking files in $input_dir\n" printf "\n +++ THIS IS AN ALPHA VERSION. PLEASE CHECK THE MODIFIED FILES BEFORE COMMITTING\n" for filename in $input_dir/*; do # #-- exclude backup and invisible files file_firstchar=${filename:0:1} file_lastchar=`echo -n $filename| tail -c -1` file_extension=${filename##*.} if [[ "$file_firstchar" == "." || "$file_extension" == "x" || "$file_lastchar" == "~" || "$file_extension" == "tar" ]] then continue fi (( count_files = count_files + 1 )) line_count=0 found_comment=false list_delete="" line_start=9999999 line_stop=0 comments="" # #-- read one line at a time while read line do (( line_count = line_count + 1 )) line_tmp="" line_tmp=${line:2:17} # #-- check if stopping point is reached if [[ $line_stop -eq 0 && "$line_tmp" == "Former revisions:" ]] then line_stop=$line_count fi # #-- check if starting point is reached if [[ $line_start -eq 9999999 && "$line_tmp" == "Current revisions" ]] then (( line_start = line_count + 2 )) comment_char=${line:0:1} fi # #-- read comment line if [[ $line_count -ge $line_start && $line_stop -eq 0 ]] then # #-- check for empty comments line_no_space=`echo ${line:2:10} | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'` if [[ $line_count -eq $line_start && "$line_no_space" != "" ]] then printf "\n *** Revisions found in $filename\n" found_comment=true cp $filename $filename~ fi # #-- when comments are found, save comment lines to $comments if [[ "$found_comment" == true ]] then comments="$comments\n$line" list_delete="$list_delete;${line_count}d" fi fi # #-- get the timestamp from the current revision if [[ "$comments" != "" && $line_count -eq $line_stop+2 ]] then timestamp=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f4-7` comments="$comment_char $timestamp$comments" fi done <"$filename" # #-- move comments from current revisions to former revisions if [[ "$found_comment" == true ]] then (( count_changes = count_changes + 1 )) # #-- insert comments to Former Revisions (( line_stop = line_stop + 4 )) sed -i "${line_stop}i$comments" $filename # #-- delete comments from current revisions and insert two blank lines list_delete=${list_delete#?} sed -i "$list_delete" $filename sed -i "${line_start}i${comment_char} " $filename sed -i "${line_start}i${comment_char} " $filename fi done # #-- inform the user about the changes if [[ $count_changes -gt 0 ]] then printf "\n *** $count_files documents checked.\n" printf " *** $count_changes changed documents found.\n" printf " *** You can now perform svn commit -m 'last commit documented' trunk\n" printf "\n +++ THIS IS AN ALPHA VERSION. PLEASE CHECK THE MODIFIED FILES BEFORE COMMITTING\n" else printf "\n *** $count_files documents checked.\n" printf " *** No documented modifications found.\n" fi