MODULE buoyancy_mod !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Actual revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: buoyancy.f90 77 2007-03-29 04:26:56Z eckhard $ ! ! 57 2007-03-09 12:05:41Z raasch ! Reference temperature pt_reference can be used. ! ! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up ! ! Revision 1.19 2006/04/26 12:09:56 raasch ! OpenMP optimization (one dimension added to sums_l) ! ! Revision 1.1 1997/08/29 08:56:48 raasch ! Initial revision ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Buoyancy term of the third component of the equation of motion. ! WARNING: humidity is not regarded when using a sloping surface! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! PRIVATE PUBLIC buoyancy, calc_mean_pt_profile INTERFACE buoyancy MODULE PROCEDURE buoyancy MODULE PROCEDURE buoyancy_ij END INTERFACE buoyancy INTERFACE calc_mean_pt_profile MODULE PROCEDURE calc_mean_pt_profile END INTERFACE calc_mean_pt_profile CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Call for all grid points !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE buoyancy( theta, wind_component, pr ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE indices USE pegrid USE statistics IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, k, pr, wind_component REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: theta IF ( .NOT. sloping_surface ) THEN ! !-- Normal case: horizontal surface IF ( use_pt_reference ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * 0.5 * ( & ( theta(k,j,i) - hom(k,1,pr,0) ) / pt_reference + & ( theta(k+1,j,i) - hom(k+1,1,pr,0) ) / pt_reference & ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * 0.5 * ( & ( theta(k,j,i) - hom(k,1,pr,0) ) / hom(k,1,pr,0) + & ( theta(k+1,j,i) - hom(k+1,1,pr,0) ) / hom(k+1,1,pr,0) & ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Buoyancy term for a surface with a slope in x-direction. The equations !-- for both the u and w velocity-component contain proportionate terms. !-- Temperature field at time t=0 serves as environmental temperature. !-- Reference temperature (pt_surface) is the one at the lower left corner !-- of the total domain. IF ( wind_component == 1 ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * sin_alpha_surface * & 0.5 * ( ( pt(k,j,i-1) + pt(k,j,i) ) & - ( pt_slope_ref(k,i-1) + pt_slope_ref(k,i) ) & ) / pt_surface ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSEIF ( wind_component == 3 ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * cos_alpha_surface * & 0.5 * ( ( pt(k,j,i) + pt(k+1,j,i) ) & - ( pt_slope_ref(k,i) + pt_slope_ref(k+1,i) ) & ) / pt_surface ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ buoyancy: no term for component "',& wind_component,'"' CALL local_stop ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE buoyancy !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Call for grid point i,j !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE buoyancy_ij( i, j, theta, wind_component, pr ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE indices USE pegrid USE statistics IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, k, pr, wind_component REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: theta IF ( .NOT. sloping_surface ) THEN ! !-- Normal case: horizontal surface IF ( use_pt_reference ) THEN DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * 0.5 * ( & ( theta(k,j,i) - hom(k,1,pr,0) ) / pt_reference + & ( theta(k+1,j,i) - hom(k+1,1,pr,0) ) / pt_reference & ) ENDDO ELSE DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * 0.5 * ( & ( theta(k,j,i) - hom(k,1,pr,0) ) / hom(k,1,pr,0) + & ( theta(k+1,j,i) - hom(k+1,1,pr,0) ) / hom(k+1,1,pr,0) & ) ENDDO ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Buoyancy term for a surface with a slope in x-direction. The equations !-- for both the u and w velocity-component contain proportionate terms. !-- Temperature field at time t=0 serves as environmental temperature. !-- Reference temperature (pt_surface) is the one at the lower left corner !-- of the total domain. IF ( wind_component == 1 ) THEN DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * sin_alpha_surface * & 0.5 * ( ( pt(k,j,i-1) + pt(k,j,i) ) & - ( pt_slope_ref(k,i-1) + pt_slope_ref(k,i) ) & ) / pt_surface ENDDO ELSEIF ( wind_component == 3 ) THEN DO k = nzb_s_inner(j,i)+1, nzt-1 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + g * cos_alpha_surface * & 0.5 * ( ( pt(k,j,i) + pt(k+1,j,i) ) & - ( pt_slope_ref(k,i) + pt_slope_ref(k+1,i) ) & ) / pt_surface ENDDO ELSE IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ buoyancy: no term for component "',& wind_component,'"' CALL local_stop ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE buoyancy_ij SUBROUTINE calc_mean_pt_profile( theta, pr ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Calculate the horizontally averaged vertical temperature profile (pr=4 in case ! of potential temperature and 44 in case of virtual potential temperature). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE control_parameters USE indices USE pegrid USE statistics IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, k, omp_get_thread_num, pr, tn REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: theta ! !-- Computation of the horizontally averaged temperature profile, unless !-- already done by the relevant call from flow_statistics. The calculation !-- is done only for the first respective intermediate timestep in order to !-- spare communication time and to produce identical model results with jobs !-- which are calling flow_statistics at different time intervals. !-- Although this calculation is not required for model runs with a slope, !-- it is nevertheless also computed. IF ( .NOT. flow_statistics_called .AND. & intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Horizontal average of the potential temperature tn = 0 ! Default thread number in case of one thread !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE( i, j, k, tn ) !$ tn = omp_get_thread_num() sums_l(:,pr,tn) = 0.0 !$OMP DO DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb_s_outer(j,i), nzt+1 sums_l(k,pr,tn) = sums_l(k,pr,tn) + theta(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO i = 1, threads_per_task-1 sums_l(:,pr,0) = sums_l(:,pr,0) + sums_l(:,pr,i) ENDDO #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( sums_l(nzb,pr,0), sums(nzb,pr), nzt+2-nzb, & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) #else sums(:,pr) = sums_l(:,pr,0) #endif hom(:,1,pr,0) = sums(:,pr) / ngp_2dh_outer(:,0) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE calc_mean_pt_profile END MODULE buoyancy_mod