5.1 Installation of new / other versions

The PALM group announces code revisions by emails send to the PALM mailing list. If you like to be put on this list, just send an email to raasch@muk.uni-hannover.de. Details about new releases can be found in the technical/numerical documentation. Users can easily make version updates by changing into the working directory ~/palm/current_version and executing

svn update

This updates all files in the PALM working copy in subdirectory trunk. The update may fail due the subversion rules, if you have modified the contents of trunk. In case of any conflicts, please refer to the subversion documentation on how to remove them. In order to avoid such conflicts, modifications of the default PALM code should be omitted and be restricted to the user-interface only (see chapter 3.5).

Alternatively, you can install new or other releases in a different directory, eg.

mkdir ~/palm/release-3.1c
cd ~/palm/release-3.1c
svn checkout --username <your username> svn:// trunk

However, this would require to carry out again the complete installation process described in chapter 5.0. So far, differet versions of PALM cannot be used at the same time.

After updating the working copy, please check for any differences between your current configuration file (.mrun.config) and the default configuration file under trunk/SCRIPTS/.mrun.config.default and adjust your current file, if neccessary.

The scripts and the pre-compiled code must then be updated via

mbuild -u -h lcmuk
mbuild -u -h ibmh
mbuild -h ibmh

or via

mbuild -u

on all remote hosts listed in the configuration file .mrun.config.

As a last step, a suitable test run should be carried out. It should be carefully examined whether and how the results created by the new version differ from those of the old version. Possible discrepancies which go beyond the ones announced in the technical/numerical documentation should be communicated as soon as possible to the PALM group.

 Last change: $Id: chapter_5.1.html 62 2007-03-13 02:52:40Z letzel $