MODULE dvrp_color USE dvrp_variables IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE color_dvrp( value, color ) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: value REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: color(4) REAL :: scale scale = ( value - slicer_range_limits_dvrp(1,islice_dvrp) ) / & ( slicer_range_limits_dvrp(2,islice_dvrp) - & slicer_range_limits_dvrp(1,islice_dvrp) ) scale = MODULO( 180.0 + 180.0 * scale, 360.0 ) color = (/ scale, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0 /) END SUBROUTINE color_dvrp END MODULE dvrp_color RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE data_output_dvrp !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Actual revisions: ! ----------------- ! TEST: write statements ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: data_output_dvrp.f90 13 2007-02-14 12:15:07Z monakurppa $ ! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up ! ! Revision 1.13 2006/02/23 10:25:12 raasch ! Former routine plot_dvrp renamed data_output_dvrp, ! Only a fraction of the particles may have a tail, ! pl.. replaced by do.., %size renamed %dvrp_psize ! ! Revision 1.1 2000/04/27 06:27:17 raasch ! Initial revision ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Plot of isosurface, particles and slicers with dvrp-software !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( __dvrp_graphics ) USE arrays_3d USE cloud_parameters USE cpulog USE DVRP USE dvrp_color USE dvrp_variables USE grid_variables USE indices USE interfaces USE particle_attributes USE pegrid USE control_parameters IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: section_chr CHARACTER (LEN=6) :: output_variable INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, m, n, nn, section_mode, tv, vn INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: p_c, p_t REAL :: center(3), distance, slicer_position, surface_value REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: psize, p_x, p_y, p_z REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: local_pf WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' Anfang data_output_dvrp' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif CALL cpu_log( log_point(27), 'data_output_dvrp', 'start' ) ! !-- Loop over all output modes choosed m = 1 tv = 0 ! threshold counter islice_dvrp = 0 ! slice plane counter DO WHILE ( mode_dvrp(m) /= ' ' ) ! !-- Update of the steering variables IF ( .NOT. lock_steering_update ) THEN ! !-- Set lock to avoid recursive calls of DVRP_STEERING_UPDATE lock_steering_update = .TRUE. WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: vor steering_update' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif CALL DVRP_STEERING_UPDATE( m-1, data_output_dvrp ) WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: nach steering_update' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif lock_steering_update = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Determine the variable which shall be plotted (in case of slicers or !-- isosurfaces) IF ( mode_dvrp(m)(1:10) == 'isosurface' ) THEN READ ( mode_dvrp(m), '(10X,I1)' ) vn output_variable = do3d(0,vn) tv = tv + 1 ELSEIF ( mode_dvrp(m)(1:6) == 'slicer' ) THEN READ ( mode_dvrp(m), '(6X,I1)' ) vn output_variable = do2d(0,vn) l = MAX( 2, LEN_TRIM( do2d(0,vn) ) ) section_chr = do2d(0,vn)(l-1:l) SELECT CASE ( section_chr ) CASE ( 'xy' ) section_mode = 2 slicer_position = zu(MIN( slicer_position_dvrp(m), nz_do3d )) CASE ( 'xz' ) section_mode = 1 slicer_position = slicer_position_dvrp(m) * dy CASE ( 'yz' ) section_mode = 0 slicer_position = slicer_position_dvrp(m) * dx END SELECT ENDIF ! !-- Select the plot mode (in case of isosurface or slicer only if user has !-- defined a variable which shall be plotted; otherwise do nothing) IF ( mode_dvrp(m)(1:9) == 'particles' ) THEN #if defined( __particles ) WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: anfang particles' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ! !-- DVRP-Calls for plotting particles: CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(28), 'dvrp_particles', 'start' ) ! !-- Definition of characteristics of particle material CALL DVRP_MATERIAL_RGB( m-1, 1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.0 ) ! !-- Move particle coordinates to one-dimensional arrays IF ( .NOT. use_particle_tails ) THEN ! !-- All particles are output ALLOCATE( psize(number_of_particles), p_t(number_of_particles), & p_c(number_of_particles), p_x(number_of_particles), & p_y(number_of_particles), p_z(number_of_particles) ) psize = 0.0; p_t = 0; p_c = 0.0; p_x = 0.0; p_y = 0.0 p_z = 0.0; psize = particles(1:number_of_particles)%dvrp_psize p_x = particles(1:number_of_particles)%x * superelevation_x p_y = particles(1:number_of_particles)%y * superelevation_y p_z = particles(1:number_of_particles)%z * superelevation p_c = particles(1:number_of_particles)%color ELSE ! !-- Particles have a tail WRITE (9,*) '--- before ALLOCATE simtime=',simulated_time,' #of_tails=', number_of_tails, & ' max#of_tp=', maximum_number_of_tailpoints #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ALLOCATE( psize(number_of_tails), p_t(number_of_tails), & p_c(number_of_tails*maximum_number_of_tailpoints), & p_x(number_of_tails*maximum_number_of_tailpoints), & p_y(number_of_tails*maximum_number_of_tailpoints), & p_z(number_of_tails*maximum_number_of_tailpoints) ) WRITE (9,*) '--- after ALLOCATE' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif psize = 0.0; p_t = 0; p_c = 0.0; p_x = 0.0; p_y = 0.0 p_z = 0.0; i = 0 k = 0 DO n = 1, number_of_particles nn = particles(n)%tail_id IF ( nn /= 0 ) THEN k = k + 1 IF ( simulated_time > 1338.0 ) THEN WRITE (9,*) '--- particle ',n,' tail_id=',nn,' #of_tp=',particles(n)%tailpoints #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ENDIF DO j = 1, particles(n)%tailpoints i = i + 1 p_x(i) = particle_tail_coordinates(j,1,nn) * & superelevation_x p_y(i) = particle_tail_coordinates(j,2,nn) * & superelevation_y p_z(i) = particle_tail_coordinates(j,3,nn) * & superelevation p_c(i) = particle_tail_coordinates(j,4,nn) IF ( simulated_time > 1338.0 ) THEN WRITE (9,*) '--- tp= ',i,' x=',p_x(i),' y=',p_y(i), & ' z=',p_z(i),' c=',p_c(i) #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ENDIF ENDDO psize(k) = particles(n)%dvrp_psize p_t(k) = particles(n)%tailpoints - 1 IF ( simulated_time > 1338.0 ) THEN WRITE (9,*) '--- t= ',k,' psize=',psize(k),' p_t=',p_t(k) #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO WRITE (9,*) '--- after locally storing the particle attributes' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Compute and plot particles in dvr-format IF ( uniform_particles .AND. .NOT. use_particle_tails ) THEN ! !-- All particles have the same color. Use simple routine to set !-- the particle attributes (produces less output data) CALL DVRP_PARTICLES( m-1, p_x, p_y, p_z, psize ) ELSE ! !-- Set color definitions CALL user_dvrp_coltab( 'particles', 'none' ) CALL DVRP_COLORTABLE_HLS( m-1, 0, interval_values_dvrp, & interval_h_dvrp, interval_l_dvrp, & interval_s_dvrp, interval_a_dvrp ) IF ( .NOT. use_particle_tails ) THEN CALL DVRP_PARTICLES( m-1, number_of_particles, p_x, p_y, p_z, & 3, psize, p_c, p_t ) ELSE WRITE (9,*) '--- before DVRP_PARTICLES' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif CALL DVRP_PARTICLES( m-1, number_of_tails, p_x, p_y, p_z, 15, & psize, p_c, p_t ) WRITE (9,*) '--- after DVRP_PARTICLES' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ENDIF ENDIF CALL DVRP_VISUALIZE( m-1, 3, dvrp_filecount ) WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: ende particles' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif DEALLOCATE( psize, p_c, p_t, p_x, p_y, p_z ) CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(28), 'dvrp_particles', 'stop' ) #endif ELSEIF ( ( mode_dvrp(m)(1:10) == 'isosurface' .OR. & mode_dvrp(m)(1:6) == 'slicer' ) & .AND. output_variable /= ' ' ) THEN ! !-- Create an intermediate array, properly dimensioned for plot-output ALLOCATE( local_pf(nxl:nxr+1,nys:nyn+1,nzb:nz_do3d) ) ! !-- Move original array to intermediate array SELECT CASE ( output_variable ) CASE ( 'u', 'u_xy', 'u_xz', 'u_yz' ) DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = u(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Replace mirrored values at lower surface by real surface values IF ( output_variable == 'u_xz' .OR. & output_variable == 'u_yz' ) THEN IF ( ibc_uv_b == 0 ) local_pf(:,:,nzb) = 0.0 ENDIF CASE ( 'v', 'v_xy', 'v_xz', 'v_yz' ) DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = v(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Replace mirrored values at lower surface by real surface values IF ( output_variable == 'v_xz' .OR. & output_variable == 'v_yz' ) THEN IF ( ibc_uv_b == 0 ) local_pf(:,:,nzb) = 0.0 ENDIF CASE ( 'w', 'w_xy', 'w_xz', 'w_yz' ) DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = w(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CASE ( 'p', 'p_xy', 'p_xz', 'p_yz' ) DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = p(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CASE ( 'pt', 'pt_xy', 'pt_xz', 'pt_yz' ) IF ( .NOT. cloud_physics ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = pt(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = pt(k,j,i) + l_d_cp * pt_d_t(k) * & ql(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CASE ( 'q', 'q_xy', 'q_xz', 'q_yz' ) IF ( moisture .OR. passive_scalar ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = q(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN PRINT*, '+++ data_output_dvrp: if moisture/passive_scalar = ', & 'FALSE output of ', output_variable, & 'is not provided' ENDIF ENDIF CASE ( 'ql', 'ql_xy', 'ql_xz', 'ql_yz' ) IF ( cloud_physics .OR. cloud_droplets ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 DO k = nzb, nz_do3d local_pf(i,j,k) = ql(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN PRINT*, '+++ data_output_dvrp: if cloud_physics = FALSE ', & 'output of ', output_variable, 'is not provided' ENDIF ENDIF CASE ( 'u*_xy' ) DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 local_pf(i,j,nzb+1) = us(j,i) ENDDO ENDDO slicer_position = zu(nzb+1) CASE ( 't*_xy' ) DO i = nxl, nxr+1 DO j = nys, nyn+1 local_pf(i,j,nzb+1) = ts(j,i) ENDDO ENDDO slicer_position = zu(nzb+1) CASE DEFAULT IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN PRINT*,'+++ data_output_dvrp: no output possible for: ', & output_variable ENDIF END SELECT IF ( mode_dvrp(m)(1:10) == 'isosurface' ) THEN WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: anfang isosurface' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ! !-- DVRP-Calls for plotting isosurfaces: CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(26), 'dvrp_isosurface', 'start' ) ! !-- Definition of characteristics of isosurface material !-- Preliminary settings for w! IF ( output_variable == 'w' ) THEN CALL DVRP_MATERIAL_RGB( m-1, 1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.3, 0.0 ) ELSE CALL DVRP_MATERIAL_RGB( m-1, 1, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Compute and plot isosurface in dvr-format CALL DVRP_DATA( m-1, local_pf, 1, nx_dvrp, ny_dvrp, nz_dvrp, & cyclic_dvrp, cyclic_dvrp, cyclic_dvrp ) CALL DVRP_THRESHOLD( m-1, threshold(tv) ) CALL DVRP_VISUALIZE( m-1, 1, dvrp_filecount ) WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: ende isosurface' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(26), 'dvrp_isosurface', 'stop' ) ELSEIF ( mode_dvrp(m)(1:6) == 'slicer' ) THEN WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: anfang slicer' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ! !-- DVRP-Calls for plotting slicers: CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(27), 'dvrp_slicer', 'start' ) ! !-- Material and color definitions CALL DVRP_MATERIAL_RGB( m-1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) islice_dvrp = islice_dvrp + 1 ! CALL DVRP_COLORFUNCTION( m-1, DVRP_CM_HLS, 25, & ! slicer_range_limits_dvrp(:,islice_dvrp), & ! color_dvrp ) CALL user_dvrp_coltab( 'slicer', output_variable ) CALL DVRP_COLORTABLE_HLS( m-1, 1, interval_values_dvrp, & interval_h_dvrp, interval_l_dvrp, & interval_s_dvrp, interval_a_dvrp ) ! !-- Compute and plot slicer in dvr-format CALL DVRP_DATA( m-1, local_pf, 1, nx_dvrp, ny_dvrp, nz_dvrp, & cyclic_dvrp, cyclic_dvrp, cyclic_dvrp ) CALL DVRP_SLICER( m-1, section_mode, slicer_position ) CALL DVRP_VISUALIZE( m-1, 2, dvrp_filecount ) CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(27), 'dvrp_slicer', 'stop' ) WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' data_output_dvrp: ende slicer' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif ENDIF DEALLOCATE( local_pf ) ENDIF m = m + 1 ENDDO dvrp_filecount = dvrp_filecount + 1 CALL cpu_log( log_point(27), 'data_output_dvrp', 'stop' ) WRITE ( 9, * ) '*** myid=', myid, ' Ende data_output_dvrp' #if defined( __ibm ) CALL FLUSH_( 9 ) #elif defined( __lcmuk ) || defined( __lctit ) || defined( __nec ) CALL FLUSH( 9 ) #endif #endif END SUBROUTINE data_output_dvrp