== WP-P2: 3D radiation and course grid techniques || === Goals of the project: || We will implement an alternative three-dimensional radiation scheme to enhance the calculation of the longwave divergence within the urban canopy yielding a more realistic description of the cooling of air in a city during nighttime. In addition, this scheme considers the air constituents in the urban canopy layer and the three-dimensional casting of shadows from clouds. || === Tasks of the project: || WP-P2.1: Implementation of buildings in the 3D-radiative transfer model '!TenStream' and the validation against the benchmark Monte-Carlo model MYSTIC and coupling of the 3D radiative transfer model to the PALM-4U model. || === Project structure: || This work package is conducted at LMU, Munich in close cooperation with [UC]² partners at HUB (Salim, Schubert). || === Deliverables: || DL1 (month 18): Implementation of buildings in the '!TenStream' model DL2 (month 24): Evaluation and comparison with MYSTIC DL3 (month 30): Coupling of the '!TenStream' model to PALM-4U || === Progress so far: || As a first step, we enhanced MYSTIC to be able to compute complex buildings and did a study on the influence of said complex surfaces in urban canopies. The following tasks has been completed: - Consideration of rural and urban surfaces (including orography) in the coupling of !TenStream-PALM - Development of concepts for 3D vegetation in !TenStream-PALM - Adaption of DCEP-PALM to the latest PALM version || === References: || '''Emde, Buras, Kylling, Mayer, Gasteiger, Hamann, Richter, Pause, Downling, Bugliaro,''' 2016, The libRadtran software package for radiative transfer calculations (version 2.0.1), Geoscientific Model Development, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-9-1647-2016. '''Jakub, F., Mayer, B.,''' 2015, A three-dimensional parallel radiative transfer model for atmospheric heating rates for use in cloud resolving models—The TenStream solver, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Elsevier BV 163: 63–71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2015.05.003. || === Contacts: || bernhard.mayer[at]physik.uni-muenchen.de fabian.jakub[at]physik.uni-muenchen.de sebastian.schubert[at]geo.hu-berlin.de