= [=#wpd3]Work package D3: User-friendly software package to customize output from meso-scale models for forcing , and application of for climate studies = \\ == Contact information == '''Principal investigators:''' Kristina Trusilova [[Image(htdocs:other_images/mail.gif,title=Send email, link=mailto:kristina.trusilova@dwd.de)]], substitute till the end of 2016: Heike Noppel [[Image(htdocs:other_images/mail.gif,title=Send email, link=mailto:heike.noppel@dwd.de)]] '''Institution:''' Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Department for Climate and Environmental Consultancy (http://www.dwd.de/EN/climate_environment/climateenvironment_node.html) \\ == Goals of WP-D3 == {{{#!table align=left style="border: none; text-align:left;" {{{#!tr {{{#!td style="border: none; width:50%" Development of a user-friendly software package (INIFOR) for initialzation and forcing of with data from mesoscale atmospheric models of DWD. Allow model applicability to various weather situations and to future climate projections. Perform a climate study using the cuboid method developed at DWD ,i.e. application of for at least 8 different weather situations and statistical post-processing of the results }}} }}} }}} \\ == Work program == ''WP-D3.1'' Introduction to the models (COSMO/ICON and PALM) and to the data bases of DWD. ''WP-D3.2'' Development of a first version of the software package INIFOR which will customize output from meso-scale models for forcing . A selection of meteorological data for model tests will be prepared for all subprojects in Module A. ''WP-D3.3'' The package INIFOR will be extended by processing meteorological variables, needed by the new implemented processes (i.e. soil water cycle, energy budget in buildings) in . A module for selection of weather situations from a series of weather-/climate-data given user-specified criteria will be included into the pre-final version of INIFOR. A selection of meteorological data for field experiments (Module B) will be prepared for all subprojects in Module A. ''WP-D3.4'' A trial study of urban climate, incl. climate change will be performed for a chosen city (defined in coordination with Module B) using ,INIFOR and the “cuboid-method”.