== WP-S3: Model evaluation and user support || === Goals of the project: || As part of this project, the central model evaluation for the target cities Berlin, Stuttgart, and Hamburg will be done. Furthermore, evaluation assistance will be given for modules B and C. || === Tasks of the project: || The sub-project involves four working packages. '''WP-S3.1: Continuation and completion of evaluation runs from phase 1 (VALM01-VALM04).''' '''WP-S3.2: Evaluation of new scenarios and model features.''' This includes meso-scale nesting with ICON and WRF, the coupling with a traffic flow model, as well as several new precipitation components. '''WP-S3.3: Creation of test scenarios for model developers.''' These are small, computationally inexpensive setups for automatic tests of newly developed code by the test-server. '''WP-S3.4: Evaluation support for modules B and C.''' They get support for developing setups for evaluation runs and the interpretation of model results. || === Project structure: || This work package is conducted at LUH. PI: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Raasch. Project scientists: Tobias Gronemeier, M.Sc., Omar El Guernaoui, M.Sc. || === Deliverables: || Evaluation setups and model results for the intensive observation periods during [UC]²-phase 1, as well as for new model components that will be developed during phase 2. || === Progress so far: || The evaluation run for Berlin (winter IOP VALM01) is currently executing on the new HLRN-system in Berlin. The setup for the summer IOP (VALM02) is prepared and tested. || === References: || none || === Contacts: || raasch@muk.uni-hannover.de gronemeier@muk.uni-hannover.de elguernaoui@muk.uni-hannover.de