{{{ #!access #allow(DOWNLOADS_VIEW) = Developers area = This section is confidential and only visible to registered MOSAIK developers and close external cooperation partners. The developers area shall help you tracking the progress of MOSAIK. It contains a download section where important information, such as talks and minutes from the joint meetings can be downloaded. Also, the project milestones and deliverables can be tracked. Furthermore, you find a mailing list and information on upcoming conferences and meetings below. === PALM-4U development workflow === * [http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/mosaik/discussion Discussion forum] * [wiki:tickets Deadlines and Milestones] * [wiki:internal/palm4Udevelop PALM-4U version control] * [wiki:internal/testing Code verification & benchmarking] * [wiki:idefix MOSAIK workstation (idefix)] * [wiki:data Input data] === Publishing === * [wiki:internal/publications Journal publications] * [wiki:internal/dates Conferences and meetings] === General information === * [wiki:internal/downloads Downloads] * [wiki:internal/contacts Contacts] }}} {{{ #!access #deny(DOWNLOADS_VIEW) Sorry, you have no permission to access this page. This is probably because you need to [/login login] first. }}}