= Hints for using the Cray-XC30 at HLRN = * running remote jobs == running remote jobs == Starting from r1255, PALM allows full remote access of the Berlin complex of HLRNIII. Since the batch compute nodes do not allow to use ssh/scp (which is required by '''mrun''' for carrying out several crucial tasks, e.g. for automatic submission of restart runs), the ssh/scp commands are executed on one of the login nodes (blogin1) as a workaround. Therefore, blogin1 must be a known host for ssh/scp. This requires the user to carry out the following three steps just once: 1. Login on blogin and create a pair of private/public ssh-keys (replace by your HLRN-username): {{{ ssh @blogin1.hlrn.de ssh-keygen -t dsa }}} Enter for any query, until the shell-prompt appears again. 2. On blogin, define the public key as one of the authorized keys to access the system: {{{ cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys }}} 3. Still logged in on blogin, login on blogin1: {{{ ssh @blogin1 }}} After the third step, the message {{{ Warning: Permanently added 'blogin1,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. }}} should appear on the terminal.