!> @file vertical_nesting_mod.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of PALM. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2017 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: vertical_nesting_mod.f90 2516 2017-10-04 11:03:04Z basit $ ! Remove tabs ! ! 2514 2017-10-04 09:52:37Z suehring ! Added todo list ! ! 2365 2017-08-21 14:59:59Z kanani ! Initial revision (SadiqHuq) ! ! ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Module for vertical nesting. !> !> Definition of parameters and variables for vertical nesting !> !> @todo Ensure that code can be compiled for serial and parallel mode. Please !> check the placement of the directive "__parallel". !> @todo Add descriptions for all declared variables/parameters, one declaration !> statement per variable !> @todo Add a descriptive header above each subroutine (see land_surface_model) !> @todo FORTRAN language statements must not be used as names for variables !> (e.g. if). Please rename it. !> @todo Revise code according to PALM Coding Standard !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE vertical_nesting_mod USE kinds IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(3,2) :: bdims = 0 INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(3,2) :: bdims_rem = 0 !> Add description. It should not be longer than up to this point | !> If really necessary, a second line can be added like this. INTEGER(iwp) :: cg_nprocs, fg_nprocs INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE:: c2f_dims_cg, f2c_dims_cg INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: c2f_dims_fg, f2c_dims_fg INTEGER(iwp) :: TYPE_VNEST_BC, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: f_rnk_lst, c_rnk_lst INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(3) :: cfratio INTEGER(iwp) :: nxc, nxf, nyc, nyf, nzc, nzf INTEGER(iwp) :: ngp_c, ngp_f INTEGER(iwp) :: target_idex, n_cell_c, n_cell_f INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(2) :: pdims_partner INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(2) :: offset,map_coord REAL(wp) :: dxc, dyc, dxf, dyf, dzc, dzf,dtc,dtf REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: work3d REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: work2dshf REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: work2dusws REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: work2dvsws REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: work2dts REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: work2dus REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: work2dz0 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zuc, zuf, zwc, zwf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: interpol3d,anterpol3d ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: interpol3d LOGICAL :: vnest_init = .FALSE., vnested = .FALSE., & vnest_twi = .FALSE., vnest_couple_rk3 = .FALSE. ! PARIN REAL(wp) :: vnest_start_time = 9999999.9 SAVE !-- Public functions PUBLIC vnest_init_fine, vnest_boundary_conds, vnest_anterpolate, & vnest_boundary_conds_khkm, vnest_anterpolate_e, & vnest_init_pegrid_rank, vnest_init_pegrid_domain, vnest_init_grid, & vnest_timestep_sync, vnest_deallocate !-- Public constants and variables PUBLIC vnested, vnest_init, vnest_twi, vnest_couple_rk3, & vnest_start_time PRIVATE bdims, bdims_rem, & work3d, work2dshf, work2dusws, work2dvsws, & work2dts, work2dus, work2dz0, & dxc, dyc, dxf, dyf, dzc, dzf, dtc, dtf, & zuc, zuf, zwc, zwf, interpol3d, anterpol3d, & cg_nprocs, fg_nprocs, & c2f_dims_cg, c2f_dims_fg, f2c_dims_cg, f2c_dims_fg, & f_rnk_lst, c_rnk_lst, cfratio, pdims_partner, & nxc, nxf, nyc, nyf, nzc, nzf, & ngp_c, ngp_f, target_idex, n_cell_c, n_cell_f, & offset, map_coord, TYPE_VNEST_BC, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER INTERFACE vnest_anterpolate MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_anterpolate END INTERFACE vnest_anterpolate INTERFACE vnest_anterpolate_e MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_anterpolate_e END INTERFACE vnest_anterpolate_e INTERFACE vnest_boundary_conds MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_boundary_conds END INTERFACE vnest_boundary_conds INTERFACE vnest_boundary_conds_khkm MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_boundary_conds_khkm END INTERFACE vnest_boundary_conds_khkm INTERFACE vnest_check_parameters MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_check_parameters END INTERFACE vnest_check_parameters INTERFACE vnest_deallocate MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_deallocate END INTERFACE vnest_deallocate INTERFACE vnest_init_fine MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_init_fine END INTERFACE vnest_init_fine INTERFACE vnest_init_grid MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_init_grid END INTERFACE vnest_init_grid INTERFACE vnest_init_pegrid_domain MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_init_pegrid_domain END INTERFACE vnest_init_pegrid_domain INTERFACE vnest_init_pegrid_rank MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_init_pegrid_rank END INTERFACE vnest_init_pegrid_rank INTERFACE vnest_timestep_sync MODULE PROCEDURE vnest_timestep_sync END INTERFACE vnest_timestep_sync CONTAINS SUBROUTINE vnest_init_fine !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! At the specified vnest_start_time initialize the Fine Grid based on the coarse ! grid values !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE interfaces USE pegrid USE surface_mod, & ONLY : surf_def_h, surf_def_v IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp) :: time_since_reference_point_rem INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k,im,jn,ko INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf #if defined( __parallel ) if (myid ==0 )print *, ' TIME TO INIT FINE from COARSE', simulated_time ! !-- In case of model termination initiated by the remote model !-- (terminate_coupled_remote > 0), initiate termination of the local model. !-- The rest of the coupler must then be skipped because it would cause an MPI !-- intercomminucation hang. !-- If necessary, the coupler will be called at the beginning of the next !-- restart run. IF ( myid == 0) THEN CALL MPI_SENDRECV( terminate_coupled, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & target_id, 0, & terminate_coupled_remote, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & target_id, 0, & comm_inter, status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( terminate_coupled_remote, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, & ierr ) IF ( terminate_coupled_remote > 0 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'remote model "', & TRIM( coupling_mode_remote ), & '" terminated', & '&with terminate_coupled_remote = ', & terminate_coupled_remote, & '&local model "', TRIM( coupling_mode ), & '" has', & '&terminate_coupled = ', & terminate_coupled CALL message( 'vnest_init_fine', 'PA0310', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) RETURN ENDIF ! !-- Exchange the current simulated time between the models, !-- currently just for total_2ding IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( time_since_reference_point, 1, MPI_REAL, target_id, & 11, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( time_since_reference_point_rem, 1, MPI_REAL, & target_id, 11, comm_inter, status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( time_since_reference_point_rem, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, & ierr ) IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN !-- Send data to fine grid for initialization offset(1) = ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) * pcoord(1) offset(2) = ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) * pcoord(2) do j = 0, ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) - 1 do i = 0, ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) - 1 map_coord(1) = i+offset(1) map_coord(2) = j+offset(2) target_idex = f_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) + numprocs CALL MPI_RECV( bdims_rem, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) bdims (1,1) = bdims_rem (1,1) / cfratio(1) bdims (1,2) = bdims_rem (1,2) / cfratio(1) bdims (2,1) = bdims_rem (2,1) / cfratio(2) bdims (2,2) = bdims_rem (2,2) / cfratio(2) bdims (3,1) = bdims_rem (3,1) bdims (3,2) = bdims_rem (3,2) / cfratio(3) CALL MPI_SEND( bdims, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 9, & comm_inter, ierr ) n_cell_c = (bdims(1,2)-bdims(1,1)+3) * & (bdims(2,2)-bdims(2,1)+3) * & (bdims(3,2)-bdims(3,1)+3) CALL MPI_SEND( u( bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 101, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND( v( bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 102, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND( w( bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 103, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND( pt(bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 105, comm_inter, ierr) IF ( humidity ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( q(bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 116, comm_inter, ierr) ENDIF CALL MPI_SEND( e( bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 104, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND(kh( bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 106, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND(km( bdims(3,1):bdims(3,2)+2, & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 107, comm_inter, ierr) !-- Send Surface fluxes IF ( use_surface_fluxes ) THEN n_cell_c = (bdims(1,2)-bdims(1,1)+3) * & (bdims(2,2)-bdims(2,1)+3) !-- WARNING !-- shf,z0 not interpolated !-- line commented in interpolate_to_fine_flux !-- FG needs to read it's own data file !MERGE-WIP CALL MPI_SEND(surf_def_h(0)%shf ( bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & !MERGE-WIP bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& !MERGE-WIP n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & !MERGE-WIP 109, comm_inter, ierr ) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE-WIP CALL MPI_SEND(surf_def_h(0)%usws( bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & !MERGE-WIP bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& !MERGE-WIP n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & !MERGE-WIP 110, comm_inter, ierr ) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE-WIP CALL MPI_SEND(surf_def_h(0)%vsws( bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & !MERGE-WIP bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& !MERGE-WIP n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & !MERGE-WIP 111, comm_inter, ierr ) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE CALL MPI_SEND(ts ( bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & !MERGE bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& !MERGE n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & !MERGE 112, comm_inter, ierr ) !MERGE !MERGE CALL MPI_SEND(us ( bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & !MERGE bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& !MERGE n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & !MERGE 113, comm_inter, ierr ) !MERGE !MERGE CALL MPI_SEND(z0 ( bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & !MERGE bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& !MERGE n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & !MERGE 114, comm_inter, ierr ) ENDIF end do end do ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN !-- Receive data from coarse grid for initialization offset(1) = pcoord(1) / ( pdims(1)/pdims_partner(1) ) offset(2) = pcoord(2) / ( pdims(2)/pdims_partner(2) ) map_coord(1) = offset(1) map_coord(2) = offset(2) target_idex = c_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (1,1) = nxl bdims (1,2) = nxr bdims (2,1) = nys bdims (2,2) = nyn bdims (3,1) = nzb bdims (3,2) = nzt CALL MPI_SEND( bdims, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( bdims_rem, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 9, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) n_cell_c = (bdims_rem(1,2)-bdims_rem(1,1)+3) * & (bdims_rem(2,2)-bdims_rem(2,1)+3) * & (bdims_rem(3,2)-bdims_rem(3,1)+3) ALLOCATE( work3d ( bdims_rem(3,1) :bdims_rem(3,2)+2, & bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1)) CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 101, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => u call interpolate_to_fine_u ( 101 ) CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 102, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => v call interpolate_to_fine_v ( 102 ) CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 103, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => w call interpolate_to_fine_w ( 103 ) CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 105, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => pt call interpolate_to_fine_s ( 105 ) IF ( humidity ) THEN CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 116, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => q call interpolate_to_fine_s ( 116 ) ENDIF CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 104, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => e call interpolate_to_fine_s ( 104 ) !-- kh,km no target attribute, use of pointer not possible CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 106, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) call interpolate_to_fine_kh ( 106 ) CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 107, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) call interpolate_to_fine_km ( 107 ) DEALLOCATE( work3d ) NULLIFY ( interpol3d ) !-- Recv Surface Fluxes IF ( use_surface_fluxes ) THEN n_cell_c = (bdims_rem(1,2)-bdims_rem(1,1)+3) * & (bdims_rem(2,2)-bdims_rem(2,1)+3) ALLOCATE( work2dshf ( bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ALLOCATE( work2dusws ( bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ALLOCATE( work2dvsws ( bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ALLOCATE( work2dts ( bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ALLOCATE( work2dus ( bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ALLOCATE( work2dz0 ( bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) !MERGE-WIP CALL MPI_RECV( work2dshf ,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 109, & !MERGE-WIP comm_inter,status, ierr ) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE-WIP CALL MPI_RECV( work2dusws,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 110, & !MERGE-WIP comm_inter,status, ierr ) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE-WIP CALL MPI_RECV( work2dvsws,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 111, & !MERGE-WIP comm_inter,status, ierr ) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE CALL MPI_RECV( work2dts ,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 112, & !MERGE comm_inter,status, ierr ) !MERGE !MERGE CALL MPI_RECV( work2dus ,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 113, & !MERGE comm_inter,status, ierr ) !MERGE !MERGE CALL MPI_RECV( work2dz0 ,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 114, & !MERGE comm_inter,status, ierr ) !MERGE !MERGE-WIP CALL interpolate_to_fine_flux ( 108 ) DEALLOCATE( work2dshf ) DEALLOCATE( work2dusws ) DEALLOCATE( work2dvsws ) DEALLOCATE( work2dts ) DEALLOCATE( work2dus ) DEALLOCATE( work2dz0 ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN DO kf = bdims(3,1)+1,bdims(3,2)+1 DO jf = bdims(2,1),bdims(2,2) DO if = bdims(1,1),bdims(1,2) IF ( e(kf,jf,if) < 0.0 ) THEN e(kf,jf,if) = 1E-15_wp END IF END DO END DO END DO ENDIF w(nzt+1,:,:) = w(nzt,:,:) CALL exchange_horiz( u, nbgp ) CALL exchange_horiz( v, nbgp ) CALL exchange_horiz( w, nbgp ) CALL exchange_horiz( pt, nbgp ) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) CALL exchange_horiz( e, nbgp ) IF ( humidity ) CALL exchange_horiz( q, nbgp ) ! !-- Velocity boundary conditions at the bottom boundary IF ( ibc_uv_b == 0 ) THEN u(nzb,:,:) = 0.0_wp v(nzb,:,:) = 0.0_wp ELSE u(nzb,:,:) = u(nzb+1,:,:) v(nzb,:,:) = v(nzb+1,:,:) END IF w(nzb,:,:) = 0.0_wp ! !-- Temperature boundary conditions at the bottom boundary IF ( ibc_pt_b /= 0 ) THEN pt(nzb,:,:) = pt(nzb+1,:,:) END IF ! !-- Bottom boundary condition for the turbulent kinetic energy !-- Generally a Neumann condition with de/dz=0 is assumed IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN e(nzb,:,:) = e(nzb+1,:,:) END IF ! !-- Bottom boundary condition for turbulent diffusion coefficients km(nzb,:,:) = km(nzb+1,:,:) kh(nzb,:,:) = kh(nzb+1,:,:) !diffusivities required IF ( .NOT. humidity ) THEN CALL diffusivities( pt, pt_reference ) ELSE CALL diffusivities( vpt, pt_reference ) ENDIF ! !-- Reset Fine Grid top Boundary Condition !-- At the top of the FG, the scalars always follow Dirichlet condition ibc_pt_t = 0 !-- Initialize old time levels pt_p = pt; u_p = u; v_p = v; w_p = w IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) e_p = e IF ( humidity ) THEN ibc_q_t = 0 q_p = q ENDIF ENDIF if (myid==0) print *, '** Fine Initalized ** simulated_time:', simulated_time #endif CONTAINS SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_w( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: wprs, wprf INTEGER(iwp) :: nzbottom, nztop nzbottom = bdims_rem (3,1) nztop = bdims_rem (3,2) ALLOCATE( wprf(nzbottom:nztop, bdims_rem(2,1)-1: bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( wprs(nzbottom:nztop,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Initialisation of the velocity component w ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction DO k = nzbottom, nztop DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1),bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = ( if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc ) / dxc alpha = ( ( dxf / dxc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha wprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = ( jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc ) / dyc alpha = ( ( dyf / dyc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha wprs(k,jf,if) = eminus * wprf(k,j-1,if) & + edot * wprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * wprf(k,j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction (linear) DO k = nzbottom, nztop-1 bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * k topz = (dzc/dzf) * (k+1) - 1 DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr DO kf = bottomz, topz w(kf,jf,if) = wprs(k,jf,if) + ( zwf(kf) - zwc(k) ) & * ( wprs(k+1,jf,if) - wprs(k,jf,if) ) / dzc END DO END DO END DO END DO DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr w(nzt,jf,if) = wprs(nztop,jf,if) END DO END DO ! ! w(nzb:nzt+1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = 0 DEALLOCATE( wprf, wprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_w SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_u( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: uprs, uprf INTEGER(iwp) :: nzbottom, nztop nzbottom = bdims_rem (3,1) nztop = bdims_rem (3,2) ALLOCATE( uprf(nzbottom:nztop+2,nys:nyn,bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ALLOCATE( uprs(nzb+1:nzt+1,nys:nyn,bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ! !-- Initialisation of the velocity component uf ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1)-1, bdims_rem(1,2)+1 DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = ( jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc ) / dyc alpha = ( ( dyf / dyc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha uprf(k,jf,i) = eminus * work3d(k,j-1,i) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j+1,i) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom+1, nztop bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO jf = nys, nyn DO i = bdims_rem(1,1)-1, bdims_rem(1,2)+1 DO kf = bottomz, topz eps = ( zuf(kf) - zuc(k) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha uprs(kf,jf,i) = eminus * uprf(k-1,jf,i) & + edot * uprf(k,jf,i) & + eplus * uprf(k+1,jf,i) END DO END DO END DO END DO DO jf = nys, nyn DO i = bdims_rem(1,1)-1, bdims_rem(1,2)+1 eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(nztop+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha uprs(nzt+1,jf,i) = eminus * uprf(nztop,jf,i) & + edot * uprf(nztop+1,jf,i) & + eplus * uprf(nztop+2,jf,i) END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction (linear) DO kf = nzb+1, nzt+1 DO jf = nys, nyn DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx u(kf,jf,if) = uprs(kf,jf,i) + ( if * dxf - i * dxc ) & * ( uprs(kf,jf,i+1) - uprs(kf,jf,i) ) / dxc END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Determination of uf at the bottom boundary DEALLOCATE( uprf, uprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_u SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_v( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: vprs, vprf INTEGER(iwp) :: nzbottom, nztop nzbottom = bdims_rem (3,1) nztop = bdims_rem (3,2) ALLOCATE( vprf(nzbottom:nztop+2,bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( vprs(nzb+1:nzt+1, bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Initialisation of the velocity component vf ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = ( if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc ) / dxc alpha = ( ( dxf / dxc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha vprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom+1, nztop bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO kf = bottomz, topz eps = ( zuf(kf) - zuc(k) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha vprs(kf,j,if) = eminus * vprf(k-1,j,if) & + edot * vprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * vprf(k+1,j,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(nztop+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha vprs(nzt+1,j,if) = eminus * vprf(nztop,j,if) & + edot * vprf(nztop+1,j,if) & + eplus * vprf(nztop+2,j,if) END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction (linear) DO kf = nzb+1, nzt+1 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy v (kf,jf,if) = vprs(kf,j,if) + ( jf * dyf - j * dyc ) & * ( vprs(kf,j+1,if) - vprs(kf,j,if) ) / dyc END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Determination of vf at the bottom boundary DEALLOCATE( vprf, vprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_v SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_s( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ptprs, ptprf INTEGER(iwp) :: nzbottom, nztop nzbottom = bdims_rem (3,1) nztop = bdims_rem (3,2) ALLOCATE( ptprf(nzbottom:nztop+2,bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( ptprs(nzbottom:nztop+2,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Initialisation of scalar variables ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = ( if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc ) / dxc alpha = ( ( dxf / dxc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = ( jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc ) / dyc alpha = ( ( dyf / dyc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprs(k,jf,if) = eminus * ptprf(k,j-1,if) & + edot * ptprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * ptprf(k,j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom+1, nztop bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr DO kf = bottomz, topz eps = ( zuf(kf) - zuc(k) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha interpol3d(kf,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(k-1,jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(k,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(k+1,jf,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(nztop+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha interpol3d(nzt+1,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(nztop,jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(nztop+1,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(nztop+2,jf,if) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE( ptprf, ptprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_s SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_kh( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: uprs, uprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: vprs, vprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: wprs, wprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ptprs, ptprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: eprs, eprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: kmprs, kmprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: khprs, khprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: shfpr, uswspr, vswspr REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tspr, uspr, z0pr INTEGER(iwp) :: nzbottom, nztop nzbottom = bdims_rem (3,1) nztop = bdims_rem (3,2) ! nztop = blk_dim_rem (3,2)+1 ALLOCATE( ptprf(nzbottom:nztop+2,bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( ptprs(nzbottom:nztop+2,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Initialisation of scalar variables ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = ( if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc ) / dxc alpha = ( ( dxf / dxc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = ( jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc ) / dyc alpha = ( ( dyf / dyc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprs(k,jf,if) = eminus * ptprf(k,j-1,if) & + edot * ptprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * ptprf(k,j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom+1, nztop bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr DO kf = bottomz, topz eps = ( zuf(kf) - zuc(k) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha kh(kf,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(k-1,jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(k,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(k+1,jf,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(nztop+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha kh(nzt+1,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(nztop,jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(nztop+1,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(nztop+2,jf,if) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE( ptprf, ptprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_kh SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_km( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: uprs, uprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: vprs, vprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: wprs, wprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ptprs, ptprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: eprs, eprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: kmprs, kmprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: khprs, khprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: shfpr, uswspr, vswspr REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tspr, uspr, z0pr INTEGER(iwp) :: nzbottom, nztop nzbottom = bdims_rem (3,1) nztop = bdims_rem (3,2) ! nztop = blk_dim_rem (3,2)+1 ALLOCATE( ptprf(nzbottom:nztop+2,bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( ptprs(nzbottom:nztop+2,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Initialisation of scalar variables ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = ( if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc ) / dxc alpha = ( ( dxf / dxc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom, nztop+2 DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = ( jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc ) / dyc alpha = ( ( dyf / dyc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprs(k,jf,if) = eminus * ptprf(k,j-1,if) & + edot * ptprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * ptprf(k,j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO k = nzbottom+1, nztop bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr DO kf = bottomz, topz eps = ( zuf(kf) - zuc(k) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha km(kf,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(k-1,jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(k,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(k+1,jf,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(nztop+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( ( dzf / dzc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha km(nzt+1,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(nztop,jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(nztop+1,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(nztop+2,jf,if) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE( ptprf, ptprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_km SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_flux( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: shfpr, uswspr, vswspr REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tspr, uspr, z0pr INTEGER(iwp) :: nzbottom, nztop ALLOCATE( shfpr (bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( uswspr(bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( vswspr(bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( tspr (bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( uspr (bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( z0pr (bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Initialisation of scalar variables (2D) ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = ( if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc ) / dxc alpha = ( ( dxf / dxc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha shfpr(j,if) = eminus * work2dshf(j,i-1) & + edot * work2dshf(j,i) & + eplus * work2dshf(j,i+1) uswspr(j,if) = eminus * work2dusws(j,i-1) & + edot * work2dusws(j,i) & + eplus * work2dusws(j,i+1) vswspr(j,if) = eminus * work2dvsws(j,i-1) & + edot * work2dvsws(j,i) & + eplus * work2dvsws(j,i+1) tspr(j,if) = eminus * work2dts(j,i-1) & + edot * work2dts(j,i) & + eplus * work2dts(j,i+1) uspr(j,if) = eminus * work2dus(j,i-1) & + edot * work2dus(j,i) & + eplus * work2dus(j,i+1) z0pr(j,if) = eminus * work2dz0(j,i-1) & + edot * work2dz0(j,i) & + eplus * work2dz0(j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction (quadratic, Clark and Farley) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = ( jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc ) / dyc alpha = ( ( dyf / dyc )**2.0 - 1.0 ) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha !-- WARNING !-- shf,z0 not interpolated !-- line commented in interpolate_to_fine_flux !-- FG needs to read it's own data file !MERGE-WIP! surf_def_h(0)%shf(jf,if) = eminus * shfpr(j-1,if) & !MERGE-WIP! + edot * shfpr(j,if) & !MERGE-WIP! + eplus * shfpr(j+1,if) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE-WIP surf_def_h(0)%usws(jf,if) = eminus * uswspr(j-1,if) & !MERGE-WIP + edot * uswspr(j,if) & !MERGE-WIP + eplus * uswspr(j+1,if) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE-WIP surf_def_h(0)%vsws(jf,if) = eminus * vswspr(j-1,if) & !MERGE-WIP + edot * vswspr(j,if) & !MERGE-WIP + eplus * vswspr(j+1,if) !MERGE-WIP !MERGE ts(jf,if) = eminus * tspr(j-1,if) & !MERGE + edot * tspr(j,if) & !MERGE + eplus * tspr(j+1,if) !MERGE !MERGE us(jf,if) = eminus * uspr(j-1,if) & !MERGE + edot * uspr(j,if) & !MERGE + eplus * uspr(j+1,if) !MERGE !MERGE! z0(jf,if) = eminus * z0pr(j-1,if) & !MERGE! + edot * z0pr(j,if) & !MERGE! + eplus * z0pr(j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO DEALLOCATE( shfpr, uswspr, vswspr ) DEALLOCATE( tspr, uspr, z0pr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_flux END SUBROUTINE vnest_init_fine SUBROUTINE vnest_boundary_conds !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Boundary conditions for the prognostic quantities. ! One additional bottom boundary condition is applied for the TKE (=(u*)**2) ! in prandtl_fluxes. The cyclic lateral boundary conditions are implicitly ! handled in routine exchange_horiz. Pressure boundary conditions are ! explicitly set in routines pres, poisfft, poismg and sor. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf REAL(wp) :: c_max, denom #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- vnest: top boundary conditions IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN !-- Send data to fine grid for TOP BC offset(1) = ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) * pcoord(1) offset(2) = ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) * pcoord(2) do j = 0, ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) - 1 do i = 0, ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) - 1 map_coord(1) = i+offset(1) map_coord(2) = j+offset(2) target_idex = f_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) + numprocs bdims (1,1) = c2f_dims_cg (0,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (1,2) = c2f_dims_cg (1,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (2,1) = c2f_dims_cg (2,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (2,2) = c2f_dims_cg (3,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (3,1) = c2f_dims_cg (4,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (3,2) = c2f_dims_cg (5,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) n_cell_c = ( (bdims(1,2)-bdims(1,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims(2,2)-bdims(2,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims(3,2)-bdims(3,1)) + 1 ) CALL MPI_SEND(u (bdims(3,1), bdims(2,1)-1, bdims(1,1)-1), & 1, TYPE_VNEST_BC, target_idex, & 201, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND(v(bdims(3,1), bdims(2,1)-1, bdims(1,1)-1),& 1, TYPE_VNEST_BC, target_idex, & 202, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND(w(bdims(3,1), bdims(2,1)-1, bdims(1,1)-1),& 1, TYPE_VNEST_BC, target_idex, & 203, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND(pt(bdims(3,1), bdims(2,1)-1, bdims(1,1)-1),& 1, TYPE_VNEST_BC, target_idex, & 205, comm_inter, ierr) IF ( humidity ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND(q(bdims(3,1), bdims(2,1)-1, bdims(1,1)-1),& 1, TYPE_VNEST_BC, target_idex, & 209, comm_inter, ierr) ENDIF end do end do ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN !-- Receive data from coarse grid for TOP BC offset(1) = pcoord(1) / ( pdims(1)/pdims_partner(1) ) offset(2) = pcoord(2) / ( pdims(2)/pdims_partner(2) ) map_coord(1) = offset(1) map_coord(2) = offset(2) target_idex = c_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims_rem (1,1) = c2f_dims_fg(0) bdims_rem (1,2) = c2f_dims_fg(1) bdims_rem (2,1) = c2f_dims_fg(2) bdims_rem (2,2) = c2f_dims_fg(3) bdims_rem (3,1) = c2f_dims_fg(4) bdims_rem (3,2) = c2f_dims_fg(5) n_cell_c = & ( (bdims_rem(1,2)-bdims_rem(1,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims_rem(2,2)-bdims_rem(2,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims_rem(3,2)-bdims_rem(3,1)) + 1 ) ALLOCATE( work3d ( & bdims_rem(3,1) :bdims_rem(3,2) , & bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1)) CALL MPI_RECV( work3d ,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 201, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => u call vnest_set_topbc_u CALL MPI_RECV( work3d ,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 202, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => v call vnest_set_topbc_v CALL MPI_RECV( work3d ,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 203, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => w call vnest_set_topbc_w CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 205, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => pt call vnest_set_topbc_s IF ( humidity ) THEN CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 209, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) interpol3d => q call vnest_set_topbc_s CALL exchange_horiz_2d(q (nzt+1,:,:) ) ENDIF !-- TKE Neumann BC for FG top DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr e(nzt+1,jf,if) = e(nzt,jf,if) END DO END DO ! !-- w level nzt+1 does not impact results. Only to avoid jumps while !-- plotting profiles w(nzt+1,:,:) = w(nzt,:,:) CALL exchange_horiz_2d(u (nzt+1,:,:) ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d(v (nzt+1,:,:) ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d(pt(nzt+1,:,:) ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d(e (nzt+1,:,:) ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d(w (nzt+1,:,:) ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d(w (nzt ,:,:) ) NULLIFY ( interpol3d ) DEALLOCATE ( work3d ) ENDIF #endif CONTAINS SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_w #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: wprf ALLOCATE( wprf(bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Determination of a boundary condition for the vertical velocity component w: !-- In this case only interpolation in x- and y- direction is necessary, as the !-- boundary w-node of the fine grid coincides with a w-node in the coarse grid. !-- For both interpolations the scheme of Clark and Farley is used. ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = (if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc) / dxc alpha = ( (dxf/dxc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha wprf(j,if) = eminus * work3d(bdims_rem(3,1),j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(bdims_rem(3,1),j,i) & + eplus * work3d(bdims_rem(3,1),j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = (jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc) / dyc alpha = ( (dyf/dyc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha w(nzt,jf,if) = eminus * wprf(j-1,if) & + edot * wprf(j,if) & + eplus * wprf(j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO DEALLOCATE( wprf ) #endif END SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_w SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_u #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: uprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: uprs ALLOCATE( uprf(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),nys:nyn,bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ALLOCATE( uprs(nys:nyn,bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1) ) ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1)-1, bdims_rem(1,2)+1 DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = (jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc) / dyc alpha = ( (dyf/dyc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha uprf(k,jf,i) = eminus * work3d(k,j-1,i) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j+1,i) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction DO jf = nys, nyn DO i = bdims_rem(1,1)-1, bdims_rem(1,2)+1 eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(bdims_rem(3,1)+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( (dzf/dzc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha uprs(jf,i) = eminus * uprf(bdims_rem(3,1),jf,i) & + edot * uprf(bdims_rem(3,1)+1,jf,i) & + eplus * uprf(bdims_rem(3,1)+2,jf,i) END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction DO jf = nys, nyn DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx u(nzt+1,jf,if) = uprs(jf,i) + ( if * dxf - i * dxc ) * ( uprs(jf,i+1) - uprs(jf,i) ) / dxc END DO END DO END DO DEALLOCATE ( uprf, uprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_u SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_v #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: vprf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: vprs ALLOCATE( vprf(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( vprs(bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Determination of a boundary condition for the horizontal velocity component v: !-- Interpolation in x- and z-direction is carried out by using the scheme, !-- which was derived by Clark and Farley (1984). In y-direction a !-- linear interpolation is carried out. ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = (if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc) / dxc alpha = ( (dxf/dxc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha vprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(bdims_rem(3,1)+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( (dzf/dzc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha vprs(j,if) = eminus * vprf(bdims_rem(3,1),j,if) & + edot * vprf(bdims_rem(3,1)+1,j,if) & + eplus * vprf(bdims_rem(3,1)+2,j,if) END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) DO if = nxl, nxr bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO jf = bottomy, topy v(nzt+1,jf,if) = vprs(j,if) + ( jf * dyf - j * dyc ) * ( vprs(j+1,if) - vprs(j,if) ) / dyc END DO END DO END DO DEALLOCATE ( vprf, vprs) #endif END SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_v SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_s #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ptprf, ptprs ALLOCATE( ptprf(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Determination of a boundary condition for the potential temperature pt: !-- The scheme derived by Clark and Farley can be used in all three dimensions. ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) *(i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = (if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc) / dxc alpha = ( (dxf/dxc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * (eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = (jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc) / dyc alpha = ( (dyf/dyc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * (eps - 1.0) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprs(k,jf,if) = eminus * ptprf(k,j-1,if) & + edot * ptprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * ptprf(k,j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(bdims_rem(3,1)+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( (dzf/dzc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha interpol3d (nzt+1,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1),jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1)+1,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1)+2,jf,if) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE ( ptprf, ptprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_s END SUBROUTINE vnest_boundary_conds SUBROUTINE vnest_boundary_conds_khkm !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Boundary conditions for the prognostic quantities. ! One additional bottom boundary condition is applied for the TKE (=(u*)**2) ! in prandtl_fluxes. The cyclic lateral boundary conditions are implicitly ! handled in routine exchange_horiz. Pressure boundary conditions are ! explicitly set in routines pres, poisfft, poismg and sor. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf REAL(wp) :: c_max, denom #if defined( __parallel ) IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN ! Send data to fine grid for TOP BC offset(1) = ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) * pcoord(1) offset(2) = ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) * pcoord(2) do j = 0, ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) - 1 do i = 0, ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) - 1 map_coord(1) = i+offset(1) map_coord(2) = j+offset(2) target_idex = f_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) + numprocs CALL MPI_RECV( bdims_rem, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) bdims (1,1) = bdims_rem (1,1) / cfratio(1) bdims (1,2) = bdims_rem (1,2) / cfratio(1) bdims (2,1) = bdims_rem (2,1) / cfratio(2) bdims (2,2) = bdims_rem (2,2) / cfratio(2) bdims (3,1) = bdims_rem (3,2) / cfratio(3) bdims (3,2) = bdims (3,1) + 2 CALL MPI_SEND( bdims, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 9, & comm_inter, ierr ) n_cell_c = ( (bdims(1,2)-bdims(1,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims(2,2)-bdims(2,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims(3,2)-bdims(3,1)) + 1 ) CALL MPI_SEND(kh(bdims(3,1) :bdims(3,2) , & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 207, comm_inter, ierr) CALL MPI_SEND(km(bdims(3,1) :bdims(3,2) , & bdims(2,1)-1:bdims(2,2)+1, & bdims(1,1)-1:bdims(1,2)+1),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, & 208, comm_inter, ierr) end do end do ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN ! Receive data from coarse grid for TOP BC offset(1) = pcoord(1) / ( pdims(1)/pdims_partner(1) ) offset(2) = pcoord(2) / ( pdims(2)/pdims_partner(2) ) map_coord(1) = offset(1) map_coord(2) = offset(2) target_idex = c_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (1,1) = nxl bdims (1,2) = nxr bdims (2,1) = nys bdims (2,2) = nyn bdims (3,1) = nzb bdims (3,2) = nzt CALL MPI_SEND( bdims, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( bdims_rem, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 9, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) n_cell_c = ( (bdims_rem(1,2)-bdims_rem(1,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims_rem(2,2)-bdims_rem(2,1)) + 3 ) * & ( (bdims_rem(3,2)-bdims_rem(3,1)) + 1 ) ALLOCATE( work3d ( bdims_rem(3,1) :bdims_rem(3,2) , & bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1, & bdims_rem(1,1)-1:bdims_rem(1,2)+1)) CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 207, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) ! Neumann BC for FG kh DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr kh(nzt+1,jf,if) = kh(nzt,jf,if) END DO END DO CALL MPI_RECV( work3d,n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 208, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) ! Neumann BC for FG kh DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr km(nzt+1,jf,if) = km(nzt,jf,if) END DO END DO ! !-- The following evaluation can only be performed, if the fine grid is situated below the inversion !! DO jf = nys-1, nyn+1 !! DO if = nxl-1, nxr+1 !! !! km(nzt+1,jf,if) = 0.1 * l_grid(nzt+1) * SQRT( e(nzt+1,jf,if) ) !! kh(nzt+1,jf,if) = 3.0 * km(nzt+1,jf,if) !! !! END DO !! END DO CALL exchange_horiz_2d(km(nzt+1,:,:) ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d(kh(nzt+1,:,:) ) DEALLOCATE ( work3d ) ENDIF #endif CONTAINS SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_kh #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ptprf, ptprs ALLOCATE( ptprf(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Determination of a boundary condition for the potential temperature pt: !-- The scheme derived by Clark and Farley can be used in all three dimensions. ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) *(i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = (if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc) / dxc alpha = ( (dxf/dxc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * (eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = (jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc) / dyc alpha = ( (dyf/dyc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * (eps - 1.0) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprs(k,jf,if) = eminus * ptprf(k,j-1,if) & + edot * ptprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * ptprf(k,j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(bdims_rem(3,1)+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( (dzf/dzc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha kh (nzt+1,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1),jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1)+1,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1)+2,jf,if) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE ( ptprf, ptprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_kh SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_km #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy REAL(wp) :: eps, alpha, eminus, edot, eplus REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ptprf, ptprs ALLOCATE( ptprf(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),bdims_rem(2,1)-1:bdims_rem(2,2)+1,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1):bdims_rem(3,2),nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Determination of a boundary condition for the potential temperature pt: !-- The scheme derived by Clark and Farley can be used in all three dimensions. ! !-- Interpolation in x-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1)-1, bdims_rem(2,2)+1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1)/(nxc+1) *(i+1) - 1 DO if = bottomx, topx eps = (if * dxf + 0.5 * dxf - i * dxc - 0.5 * dxc) / dxc alpha = ( (dxf/dxc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * (eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprf(k,j,if) = eminus * work3d(k,j,i-1) & + edot * work3d(k,j,i) & + eplus * work3d(k,j,i+1) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in y-direction DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2) DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1)/(nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO if = nxl, nxr DO jf = bottomy, topy eps = (jf * dyf + 0.5 * dyf - j * dyc - 0.5 * dyc) / dyc alpha = ( (dyf/dyc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * (eps - 1.0) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha ptprs(k,jf,if) = eminus * ptprf(k,j-1,if) & + edot * ptprf(k,j,if) & + eplus * ptprf(k,j+1,if) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! !-- Interpolation in z-direction DO jf = nys, nyn DO if = nxl, nxr eps = ( zuf(nzt+1) - zuc(bdims_rem(3,1)+1) ) / dzc alpha = ( (dzf/dzc)**2.0 - 1.0) / 24.0 eminus = eps * ( eps - 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha edot = ( 1.0 - eps**2.0 ) - 2.0 * alpha eplus = eps * ( eps + 1.0 ) / 2.0 + alpha km (nzt+1,jf,if) = eminus * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1),jf,if) & + edot * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1)+1,jf,if) & + eplus * ptprs(bdims_rem(3,1)+2,jf,if) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE ( ptprf, ptprs ) #endif END SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_km END SUBROUTINE vnest_boundary_conds_khkm SUBROUTINE vnest_anterpolate !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Anterpolate data from fine grid to coarse grid. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE interfaces USE pegrid USE surface_mod, & ONLY : bc_h IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp) :: time_since_reference_point_rem INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k, im, jn, ko !--- INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< grid index y direction !-- INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< grid index z direction INTEGER(iwp) :: kb !< variable to set respective boundary value, depends on facing. INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< running index boundary type, for up- and downward-facing walls INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index surface elements #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- In case of model termination initiated by the remote model !-- (terminate_coupled_remote > 0), initiate termination of the local model. !-- The rest of the coupler must then be skipped because it would cause an MPI !-- intercomminucation hang. !-- If necessary, the coupler will be called at the beginning of the next !-- restart run. IF ( myid == 0) THEN CALL MPI_SENDRECV( terminate_coupled, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & target_id, 0, & terminate_coupled_remote, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & target_id, 0, & comm_inter, status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( terminate_coupled_remote, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, & ierr ) IF ( terminate_coupled_remote > 0 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'remote model "', & TRIM( coupling_mode_remote ), & '" terminated', & '&with terminate_coupled_remote = ', & terminate_coupled_remote, & '&local model "', TRIM( coupling_mode ), & '" has', & '&terminate_coupled = ', & terminate_coupled CALL message( 'vnest_anterpolate', 'PA0310', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) RETURN ENDIF ! !-- Exchange the current simulated time between the models IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( time_since_reference_point, 1, MPI_REAL, target_id, & 11, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( time_since_reference_point_rem, 1, MPI_REAL, & target_id, 11, comm_inter, status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( time_since_reference_point_rem, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, & ierr ) IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN ! Receive data from fine grid for anterpolation offset(1) = ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) * pcoord(1) offset(2) = ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) * pcoord(2) do j = 0, ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) - 1 do i = 0, ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) - 1 map_coord(1) = i+offset(1) map_coord(2) = j+offset(2) target_idex = f_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) + numprocs CALL MPI_RECV( bdims_rem, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) bdims (1,1) = bdims_rem (1,1) / cfratio(1) bdims (1,2) = bdims_rem (1,2) / cfratio(1) bdims (2,1) = bdims_rem (2,1) / cfratio(2) bdims (2,2) = bdims_rem (2,2) / cfratio(2) bdims (3,1) = bdims_rem (3,1) bdims (3,2) = bdims_rem (3,2) / cfratio(3) CALL MPI_SEND( bdims, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 9, & comm_inter, ierr ) n_cell_c = & (bdims(1,2)-bdims(1,1)+1) * & (bdims(2,2)-bdims(2,1)+1) * & (bdims(3,2)-bdims(3,1)+0) CALL MPI_RECV( u( & bdims(3,1)+1:bdims(3,2), & bdims(2,1) :bdims(2,2), & bdims(1,1) :bdims(1,2)),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 101, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( v( & bdims(3,1)+1:bdims(3,2), & bdims(2,1) :bdims(2,2), & bdims(1,1) :bdims(1,2)),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 102, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV(pt( & bdims(3,1)+1:bdims(3,2), & bdims(2,1) :bdims(2,2), & bdims(1,1) :bdims(1,2)),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 105, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) IF ( humidity ) THEN CALL MPI_RECV(q( & bdims(3,1)+1:bdims(3,2), & bdims(2,1) :bdims(2,2), & bdims(1,1) :bdims(1,2)),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 106, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_RECV( w( & bdims(3,1) :bdims(3,2)-1, & bdims(2,1) :bdims(2,2), & bdims(1,1) :bdims(1,2)), & n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 103, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) end do end do ! !-- Boundary conditions for the velocity components u and v IF ( ibc_uv_b == 0 ) THEN u(nzb,:,:) = 0.0_wp v(nzb,:,:) = 0.0_wp ELSE u(nzb,:,:) = u(nzb+1,:,:) v(nzb,:,:) = v(nzb+1,:,:) END IF ! !-- Boundary conditions for the velocity components w w(nzb,:,:) = 0.0_wp ! !-- Temperature at bottom boundary. !-- Neumann, zero-gradient IF ( ibc_pt_b == 1 ) THEN DO l = 0, 1 ! !-- Set kb, for upward-facing surfaces value at topography top (k-1) is set, !-- for downward-facing surfaces at topography bottom (k+1). kb = MERGE( -1, 1, l == 0 ) DO m = 1, bc_h(l)%ns i = bc_h(l)%i(m) j = bc_h(l)%j(m) k = bc_h(l)%k(m) pt(k+kb,j,i) = pt(k,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CALL exchange_horiz( u, nbgp ) CALL exchange_horiz( v, nbgp ) CALL exchange_horiz( w, nbgp ) CALL exchange_horiz( pt, nbgp ) ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN ! Send data to coarse grid for anterpolation offset(1) = pcoord(1) / ( pdims(1)/pdims_partner(1) ) offset(2) = pcoord(2) / ( pdims(2)/pdims_partner(2) ) map_coord(1) = offset(1) map_coord(2) = offset(2) target_idex = c_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) !-- Limit anterpolation level to nzt - z nesting ratio (a pseudo-buffer layer) bdims (1,1) = nxl bdims (1,2) = nxr bdims (2,1) = nys bdims (2,2) = nyn bdims (3,1) = nzb bdims (3,2) = nzt-cfratio(3) CALL MPI_SEND( bdims, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( bdims_rem, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 9, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) ALLOCATE( work3d ( & bdims_rem(3,1)+1:bdims_rem(3,2), & bdims_rem(2,1) :bdims_rem(2,2), & bdims_rem(1,1) :bdims_rem(1,2))) anterpol3d => u CALL anterpolate_to_crse_u ( 101 ) CALL MPI_SEND( work3d, 1, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, target_idex, & 101, comm_inter, ierr) anterpol3d => v CALL anterpolate_to_crse_v ( 102 ) CALL MPI_SEND( work3d, 1, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, target_idex, & 102, comm_inter, ierr) anterpol3d => pt CALL anterpolate_to_crse_s ( 105 ) CALL MPI_SEND( work3d, 1, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, target_idex, & 105, comm_inter, ierr) IF ( humidity ) THEN anterpol3d => q CALL anterpolate_to_crse_s ( 106 ) CALL MPI_SEND( work3d, 1, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, target_idex, & 106, comm_inter, ierr) ENDIF DEALLOCATE( work3d ) ALLOCATE( work3d ( bdims_rem(3,1) :bdims_rem(3,2)-1, & bdims_rem(2,1) :bdims_rem(2,2), & bdims_rem(1,1) :bdims_rem(1,2))) anterpol3d => w CALL anterpolate_to_crse_w ( 103 ) CALL MPI_SEND( work3d, 1, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, target_idex, & 103, comm_inter, ierr) NULLIFY ( anterpol3d ) DEALLOCATE( work3d ) ENDIF #endif CONTAINS SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_u( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: aweight INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag ! !-- Anterpolation of the velocity components u !-- only values in yz-planes that coincide in the fine and !-- the coarse grid are considered DO k = bdims_rem(3,1)+1, bdims_rem(3,2) bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO j = bdims_rem(2,1),bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1),bdims_rem(1,2) if = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * i aweight = 0.0 DO kf = bottomz, topz DO jf = bottomy, topy aweight = aweight + anterpol3d(kf,jf,if) * & (dzf/dzc) * (dyf/dyc) END DO END DO work3d(k,j,i) = aweight END DO END DO END DO #endif END SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_u SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_v( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: aweight INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag ! !-- Anterpolation of the velocity components v !-- only values in xz-planes that coincide in the fine and !-- the coarse grid are considered DO k = bdims_rem(3,1)+1, bdims_rem(3,2) bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) jf = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * j DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 aweight = 0.0 DO kf = bottomz, topz DO if = bottomx, topx aweight = aweight + anterpol3d(kf,jf,if) * & (dzf/dzc) * (dxf/dxc) END DO END DO work3d(k,j,i) = aweight END DO END DO END DO #endif END SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_v SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_w( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: aweight INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag ! !-- Anterpolation of the velocity components w !-- only values in xy-planes that coincide in the fine and !-- the coarse grid are considered DO k = bdims_rem(3,1), bdims_rem(3,2)-1 kf = cfratio(3) * k DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 aweight = 0.0 DO jf = bottomy, topy DO if = bottomx, topx aweight = aweight + anterpol3d (kf,jf,if) * & (dxf/dxc) * (dyf/dyc) END DO END DO work3d(k,j,i) = aweight END DO END DO END DO #endif END SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_w SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_s( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: aweight INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag ! !-- Anterpolation of the potential temperature pt !-- all fine grid values are considered DO k = bdims_rem(3,1)+1, bdims_rem(3,2) bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 aweight = 0.0 DO kf = bottomz, topz DO jf = bottomy, topy DO if = bottomx, topx aweight = aweight + anterpol3d(kf,jf,if) * & (dzf/dzc) * (dyf/dyc) * (dxf/dxc) END DO END DO END DO work3d(k,j,i) = aweight END DO END DO END DO #endif END SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_s END SUBROUTINE vnest_anterpolate SUBROUTINE vnest_anterpolate_e !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Anterpolate TKE from fine grid to coarse grid. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE interfaces USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp) :: time_since_reference_point_rem INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k, im, jn, ko #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- In case of model termination initiated by the remote model !-- (terminate_coupled_remote > 0), initiate termination of the local model. !-- The rest of the coupler must then be skipped because it would cause an MPI !-- intercomminucation hang. !-- If necessary, the coupler will be called at the beginning of the next !-- restart run. IF ( myid == 0) THEN CALL MPI_SENDRECV( terminate_coupled, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & target_id, 0, & terminate_coupled_remote, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & target_id, 0, & comm_inter, status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( terminate_coupled_remote, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, & ierr ) IF ( terminate_coupled_remote > 0 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'remote model "', & TRIM( coupling_mode_remote ), & '" terminated', & '&with terminate_coupled_remote = ', & terminate_coupled_remote, & '&local model "', TRIM( coupling_mode ), & '" has', & '&terminate_coupled = ', & terminate_coupled CALL message( 'vnest_anterpolate_e', 'PA0310', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) RETURN ENDIF ! !-- Exchange the current simulated time between the models IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( time_since_reference_point, 1, MPI_REAL, target_id, & 11, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( time_since_reference_point_rem, 1, MPI_REAL, & target_id, 11, comm_inter, status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( time_since_reference_point_rem, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, & ierr ) IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN ! Receive data from fine grid for anterpolation offset(1) = ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) * pcoord(1) offset(2) = ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) * pcoord(2) do j = 0, ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) - 1 do i = 0, ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) - 1 map_coord(1) = i+offset(1) map_coord(2) = j+offset(2) target_idex = f_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) + numprocs bdims (1,1) = f2c_dims_cg (0,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (1,2) = f2c_dims_cg (1,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (2,1) = f2c_dims_cg (2,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (2,2) = f2c_dims_cg (3,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (3,1) = f2c_dims_cg (4,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (3,2) = f2c_dims_cg (5,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) n_cell_c = (bdims(1,2)-bdims(1,1)+1) * & (bdims(2,2)-bdims(2,1)+1) * & (bdims(3,2)-bdims(3,1)+0) CALL MPI_RECV( e( bdims(3,1)+1:bdims(3,2), & bdims(2,1) :bdims(2,2), & bdims(1,1) :bdims(1,2)),& n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, target_idex, 104, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) end do end do ! !-- Boundary conditions IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN e(nzb,:,:) = e(nzb+1,:,:) END IF IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) CALL exchange_horiz( e, nbgp ) ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN ! Send data to coarse grid for anterpolation offset(1) = pcoord(1) / ( pdims(1)/pdims_partner(1) ) offset(2) = pcoord(2) / ( pdims(2)/pdims_partner(2) ) map_coord(1) = offset(1) map_coord(2) = offset(2) target_idex = c_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims_rem (1,1) = f2c_dims_fg (0) bdims_rem (1,2) = f2c_dims_fg (1) bdims_rem (2,1) = f2c_dims_fg (2) bdims_rem (2,2) = f2c_dims_fg (3) bdims_rem (3,1) = f2c_dims_fg (4) bdims_rem (3,2) = f2c_dims_fg (5) ALLOCATE( work3d ( & bdims_rem(3,1)+1:bdims_rem(3,2), & bdims_rem(2,1) :bdims_rem(2,2), & bdims_rem(1,1) :bdims_rem(1,2))) anterpol3d => e CALL anterpolate_to_crse_e ( 104 ) CALL MPI_SEND( work3d, 1, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, target_idex, & 104, comm_inter, ierr) NULLIFY ( anterpol3d ) DEALLOCATE( work3d ) ENDIF #endif CONTAINS SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_e( tag ) #if defined( __parallel ) USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k INTEGER(iwp) :: if, jf, kf INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomx, topx INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomy, topy INTEGER(iwp) :: bottomz, topz REAL(wp) :: aweight_a, aweight_b, aweight_c, aweight_d, aweight_e REAL(wp) :: energ INTEGER(iwp), intent(in) :: tag DO k = bdims_rem(3,1)+1, bdims_rem(3,2) bottomz = (dzc/dzf) * (k-1) + 1 topz = (dzc/dzf) * k DO j = bdims_rem(2,1), bdims_rem(2,2) bottomy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * j topy = (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) * (j+1) - 1 DO i = bdims_rem(1,1), bdims_rem(1,2) bottomx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * i topx = (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) * (i+1) - 1 aweight_a = 0.0 aweight_b = 0.0 aweight_c = 0.0 aweight_d = 0.0 aweight_e = 0.0 DO kf = bottomz, topz DO jf = bottomy, topy DO if = bottomx, topx aweight_a = aweight_a + anterpol3d(kf,jf,if) * & (dzf/dzc) * (dyf/dyc) * (dxf/dxc) energ = ( 0.5 * ( u(kf,jf,if) + u(kf,jf,if+1) ) )**2.0 + & ( 0.5 * ( v(kf,jf,if) + v(kf,jf+1,if) ) )**2.0 + & ( 0.5 * ( w(kf-1,jf,if) + w(kf,jf,if) ) )**2.0 aweight_b = aweight_b + energ * & (dzf/dzc) * (dyf/dyc) * (dxf/dxc) aweight_c = aweight_c + 0.5 * ( u(kf,jf,if) + u(kf,jf,if+1) ) * & (dzf/dzc) * (dyf/dyc) * (dxf/dxc) aweight_d = aweight_d + 0.5 * ( v(kf,jf,if) + v(kf,jf+1,if) ) * & (dzf/dzc) * (dyf/dyc) * (dxf/dxc) aweight_e = aweight_e + 0.5 * ( w(kf-1,jf,if) + w(kf,jf,if) ) * & (dzf/dzc) * (dyf/dyc) * (dxf/dxc) END DO END DO END DO work3d(k,j,i) = aweight_a + 0.5 * ( aweight_b - & aweight_c**2.0 - & aweight_d**2.0 - & aweight_e**2.0 ) END DO END DO END DO #endif END SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_e END SUBROUTINE vnest_anterpolate_e SUBROUTINE vnest_init_pegrid_rank ! Domain decomposition and exchange of grid variables between coarse and fine ! Given processor coordinates as index f_rnk_lst(pcoord(1), pcoord(2)) ! returns the rank. A single coarse block will have to send data to multiple ! fine blocks. In the coarse grid the pcoords of the remote block is first found and then using ! f_rnk_lst the target_idex is identified. ! blk_dim stores the index limits of a given block. blk_dim_remote is received ! from the asscoiated nest partner. ! cf_ratio(1:3) is the ratio between fine and coarse grid: nxc/nxf, nyc/nyf and ! ceiling(dxc/dxf) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_mode, coupling_mode_remote, coupling_topology, dz USE grid_variables, & ONLY: dx, dy USE indices, & ONLY: nbgp, nx, ny, nz USE kinds USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: dest_rnk INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< IF (myid == 0) THEN IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse') THEN CALL MPI_SEND( pdims, 2, MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 33, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 66, & comm_inter, status, ierr ) ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine') THEN CALL MPI_RECV( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 33, & comm_inter, status, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( pdims, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 66, comm_inter, & ierr ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse') THEN CALL MPI_BCAST( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ALLOCATE( c_rnk_lst( 0:(pdims(1)-1) ,0:(pdims(2)-1) ) ) ALLOCATE( f_rnk_lst( 0:(pdims_partner(1)-1) ,0:(pdims_partner(2)-1) ) ) do i=0,numprocs-1 CALL MPI_CART_COORDS( comm2d, i, ndim, pcoord, ierr ) call MPI_Cart_rank(comm2d, pcoord, dest_rnk, ierr) c_rnk_lst(pcoord(1),pcoord(2)) = dest_rnk end do ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine') THEN CALL MPI_BCAST( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ALLOCATE( c_rnk_lst( 0:(pdims_partner(1)-1) ,0:(pdims_partner(2)-1) ) ) ALLOCATE( f_rnk_lst( 0:(pdims(1)-1) ,0:(pdims(2)-1) ) ) do i=0,numprocs-1 CALL MPI_CART_COORDS( comm2d, i, ndim, pcoord, ierr ) call MPI_Cart_rank(comm2d, pcoord, dest_rnk, ierr) f_rnk_lst(pcoord(1),pcoord(2)) = dest_rnk enddo ENDIF IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse') THEN if (myid == 0) then CALL MPI_SEND( c_rnk_lst, pdims(1)*pdims(2), MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 0, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( f_rnk_lst, pdims_partner(1)*pdims_partner(2), MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 4, comm_inter,status, ierr ) end if CALL MPI_BCAST( f_rnk_lst, pdims_partner(1)*pdims_partner(2), MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine') THEN if (myid == 0) then CALL MPI_RECV( c_rnk_lst, pdims_partner(1)*pdims_partner(2), MPI_INTEGER, 0, 0, comm_inter,status, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( f_rnk_lst, pdims(1)*pdims(2), MPI_INTEGER, 0, 4, comm_inter, ierr ) end if CALL MPI_BCAST( c_rnk_lst, pdims_partner(1)*pdims_partner(2), MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ENDIF !-- Reason for MPI error unknown; solved if three lines duplicated CALL MPI_CART_COORDS( comm2d, myid, ndim, pcoord, ierr ) CALL MPI_CART_SHIFT( comm2d, 0, 1, pleft, pright, ierr ) CALL MPI_CART_SHIFT( comm2d, 1, 1, psouth, pnorth, ierr ) END SUBROUTINE vnest_init_pegrid_rank SUBROUTINE vnest_init_pegrid_domain USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_mode, coupling_mode_remote, coupling_topology, dz USE grid_variables, & ONLY: dx, dy USE indices, & ONLY: nbgp, nx, ny, nz, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, nzb, nzt, & nxlg, nxrg, nysg, nyng USE kinds USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: dest_rnk INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: tempx, tempy !< INTEGER(iwp) :: TYPE_INT_YZ, SIZEOFREAL INTEGER(iwp) :: MTV_X,MTV_Y,MTV_Z,MTV_RX,MTV_RY,MTV_RZ ! !-- Pass the number of grid points of the coarse model to !-- the nested model and vice versa IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN nxc = nx nyc = ny nzc = nz dxc = dx dyc = dy dzc = dz cg_nprocs = numprocs IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( nxc, 1, MPI_INTEGER , numprocs, 1, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( nyc, 1, MPI_INTEGER , numprocs, 2, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( nzc, 1, MPI_INTEGER , numprocs, 3, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( dxc, 1, MPI_REAL , numprocs, 4, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( dyc, 1, MPI_REAL , numprocs, 5, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( dzc, 1, MPI_REAL , numprocs, 6, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( pdims, 2, MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 7, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( cg_nprocs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 8, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( nxf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 21, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( nyf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 22, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( nzf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, numprocs, 23, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( dxf, 1, MPI_REAL, numprocs, 24, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( dyf, 1, MPI_REAL, numprocs, 25, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( dzf, 1, MPI_REAL, numprocs, 26, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, & numprocs, 27, comm_inter, status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( fg_nprocs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & numprocs, 28, comm_inter, status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( nxf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( nyf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( nzf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( dxf, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( dyf, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( dzf, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( fg_nprocs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN nxf = nx nyf = ny nzf = nz dxf = dx dyf = dy dzf = dz fg_nprocs = numprocs IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_RECV( nxc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 1, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( nyc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 2, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( nzc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 3, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( dxc, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, 4, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( dyc, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, 5, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( dzc, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, 6, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 7, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( cg_nprocs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 8, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( nxf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 21, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( nyf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 22, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( nzf, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 23, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( dxf, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, 24, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( dyf, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, 25, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( dzf, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, 26, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( pdims,2,MPI_INTEGER, 0, 27, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( fg_nprocs,1,MPI_INTEGER, 0, 28, comm_inter, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( nxc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_BCAST( nyc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_BCAST( nzc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_BCAST( dxc, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_BCAST( dyc, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_BCAST( dzc, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_BCAST( pdims_partner, 2, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_BCAST( cg_nprocs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr) ENDIF ngp_c = ( nxc+1 + 2 * nbgp ) * ( nyc+1 + 2 * nbgp ) ngp_f = ( nxf+1 + 2 * nbgp ) * ( nyf+1 + 2 * nbgp ) IF ( coupling_mode(1:8) == 'vnested_') coupling_topology = 1 !-- Nesting Ratio: For each coarse grid cell how many fine grid cells exist cfratio(1) = INT ( (nxf+1) / (nxc+1) ) cfratio(2) = INT ( (nyf+1) / (nyc+1) ) cfratio(3) = CEILING ( dzc / dzf ) !-- target_id is used only for exhange of information like simulated_time !-- which are then MPI_BCAST to other processors in the group IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN IF ( TRIM( coupling_mode ) == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN target_id = numprocs ELSE IF ( TRIM( coupling_mode ) == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN target_id = 0 ENDIF ENDIF !-- Store partner grid dimenstions and create MPI derived types IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN offset(1) = ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) * pcoord(1) offset(2) = ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) * pcoord(2) tempx = ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) - 1 tempy = ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) - 1 ALLOCATE( c2f_dims_cg (0:5,offset(1):tempx+offset(1),offset(2):tempy+offset(2) ) ) ALLOCATE( f2c_dims_cg (0:5,offset(1):tempx+offset(1),offset(2):tempy+offset(2) ) ) do j = 0, ( pdims_partner(2) / pdims(2) ) - 1 do i = 0, ( pdims_partner(1) / pdims(1) ) - 1 map_coord(1) = i+offset(1) map_coord(2) = j+offset(2) target_idex = f_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) + numprocs CALL MPI_RECV( bdims_rem, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) !-- Store the CG dimensions that correspond to the FG partner; needed for FG top BC !-- One CG can have multiple FG partners. The 3D array is mapped by partner proc co-ord c2f_dims_cg (0,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (1,1) / cfratio(1) c2f_dims_cg (1,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (1,2) / cfratio(1) c2f_dims_cg (2,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (2,1) / cfratio(2) c2f_dims_cg (3,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (2,2) / cfratio(2) c2f_dims_cg (4,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (3,2) / cfratio(3) c2f_dims_cg (5,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) =(bdims_rem (3,2) / cfratio(3)) + 2 !-- Store the CG dimensions that correspond to the FG partner; needed for anterpolation f2c_dims_cg (0,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (1,1) / cfratio(1) f2c_dims_cg (1,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (1,2) / cfratio(1) f2c_dims_cg (2,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (2,1) / cfratio(2) f2c_dims_cg (3,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (2,2) / cfratio(2) f2c_dims_cg (4,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) = bdims_rem (3,1) f2c_dims_cg (5,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) =(bdims_rem (3,2)-cfratio(3))/ cfratio(3) CALL MPI_SEND( c2f_dims_cg (:,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)), 6, & MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 100, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( f2c_dims_cg (:,map_coord(1),map_coord(2)), 6, & MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 101, comm_inter, ierr ) end do end do !-- A derived data type to pack 3 Z-levels of CG to set FG top BC MTV_X = ( nxr - nxl + 1 ) + 2*nbgp MTV_Y = ( nyn - nys + 1 ) + 2*nbgp MTV_Z = nzt+1 - nzb +1 MTV_RX = ( c2f_dims_cg (1,offset(1),offset(2)) - c2f_dims_cg (0,offset(1),offset(2)) ) +1+2 MTV_RY = ( c2f_dims_cg (3,offset(1),offset(2)) - c2f_dims_cg (2,offset(1),offset(2)) ) +1+2 MTV_RZ = ( c2f_dims_cg (5,offset(1),offset(2)) - c2f_dims_cg (4,offset(1),offset(2)) ) +1 CALL MPI_TYPE_EXTENT(MPI_REAL, SIZEOFREAL, IERR) CALL MPI_TYPE_VECTOR ( MTV_RY, MTV_RZ, MTV_Z, MPI_REAL, TYPE_INT_YZ, IERR) CALL MPI_TYPE_HVECTOR( MTV_RX, 1, MTV_Z*MTV_Y*SIZEOFREAL, & TYPE_INT_YZ, TYPE_VNEST_BC, IERR) CALL MPI_TYPE_FREE(TYPE_INT_YZ, IERR) CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(TYPE_VNEST_BC, IERR) ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN ALLOCATE( c2f_dims_fg (0:5) ) ALLOCATE( f2c_dims_fg (0:5) ) offset(1) = pcoord(1) / ( pdims(1)/pdims_partner(1) ) offset(2) = pcoord(2) / ( pdims(2)/pdims_partner(2) ) map_coord(1) = offset(1) map_coord(2) = offset(2) target_idex = c_rnk_lst(map_coord(1),map_coord(2)) bdims (1,1) = nxl bdims (1,2) = nxr bdims (2,1) = nys bdims (2,2) = nyn bdims (3,1) = nzb bdims (3,2) = nzt CALL MPI_SEND( bdims, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 10, & comm_inter, ierr ) !-- Store the CG dimensions that correspond to the FG partner; needed for FG top BC !-- One FG can have only one CG partner CALL MPI_RECV( c2f_dims_fg, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 100, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( f2c_dims_fg, 6, MPI_INTEGER, target_idex, 101, & comm_inter,status, ierr ) !-- Store the CG dimensions that correspond to the FG partner; needed for anterpolation n_cell_c = (f2c_dims_fg(1)-f2c_dims_fg(0)+1) * & (f2c_dims_fg(3)-f2c_dims_fg(2)+1) * & (f2c_dims_fg(5)-f2c_dims_fg(4)+0) CALL MPI_TYPE_CONTIGUOUS(n_cell_c, MPI_REAL, TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, IERR) CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(TYPE_VNEST_ANTER, ierr) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE vnest_init_pegrid_domain SUBROUTINE vnest_init_grid USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: zu, zw USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_mode USE indices, & ONLY: nzt USE kinds USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE !-- Allocate and Exchange zuc and zuf, zwc and zwf IF ( coupling_mode(1:8) == 'vnested_' ) THEN ALLOCATE( zuc(0:nzc+1), zuf(0:nzf+1) ) ALLOCATE( zwc(0:nzc+1), zwf(0:nzf+1) ) IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse' ) THEN zuc = zu zwc = zw IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( zuc, nzt+2, MPI_REAL, numprocs, 41, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( zuf, nzf+2, MPI_REAL, numprocs, 42, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( zwc, nzt+2, MPI_REAL, numprocs, 43, comm_inter, & ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( zwf, nzf+2, MPI_REAL, numprocs, 44, comm_inter, & status, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( zuf,nzf+2,MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( zwf,nzf+2,MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ELSEIF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN zuf = zu zwf = zw IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_RECV( zuc,nzc+2, MPI_REAL, 0, 41, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( zuf,nzt+2, MPI_REAL, 0, 42, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( zwc,nzc+2, MPI_REAL, 0, 43, comm_inter, status, & ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( zwf,nzt+2, MPI_REAL, 0, 44, comm_inter, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( zuc,nzc+2,MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( zwc,nzc+2,MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE vnest_init_grid SUBROUTINE vnest_check_parameters USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: zu, zw USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_mode USE indices, & ONLY: nzt USE kinds USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE IF (myid==0) PRINT*, '*** vnest: check parameters not implemented yet ***' END SUBROUTINE vnest_check_parameters SUBROUTINE vnest_timestep_sync USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_mode, dt_3d, dt_coupling USE interfaces USE kinds USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse') THEN dtc = dt_3d if (myid == 0) then CALL MPI_SEND( dt_3d, 1, MPI_REAL, target_id, & 31, comm_inter, ierr ) CALL MPI_RECV( dtf, 1, MPI_REAL, & target_id, 32, comm_inter, status, ierr ) endif CALL MPI_BCAST( dtf, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ELSE dtf = dt_3d if (myid == 0) then CALL MPI_RECV( dtc, 1, MPI_REAL, & target_id, 31, comm_inter, status, ierr ) CALL MPI_SEND( dt_3d, 1, MPI_REAL, target_id, & 32, comm_inter, ierr ) endif CALL MPI_BCAST( dtc, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ENDIF !-- Identical timestep for coarse and fine grids dt_3d = MIN( dtc, dtf ) !-- Nest coupling at every timestep dt_coupling = dt_3d END SUBROUTINE vnest_timestep_sync SUBROUTINE vnest_deallocate USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_mode IMPLICIT NONE IF ( ALLOCATED(c_rnk_lst) ) DEALLOCATE (c_rnk_lst) IF ( ALLOCATED(f_rnk_lst) ) DEALLOCATE (f_rnk_lst) IF ( coupling_mode == 'vnested_crse') THEN IF ( ALLOCATED (c2f_dims_cg) ) DEALLOCATE (c2f_dims_cg) IF ( ALLOCATED (f2c_dims_cg) ) DEALLOCATE (f2c_dims_cg) ELSEIF( coupling_mode == 'vnested_fine' ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED (c2f_dims_fg) ) DEALLOCATE (c2f_dims_fg) IF ( ALLOCATED (f2c_dims_fg) ) DEALLOCATE (f2c_dims_fg) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE vnest_deallocate END MODULE vertical_nesting_mod