!> @file shared_memory_io_mod.f90 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General ! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ! Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see ! . ! ! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: shared_memory_io_mod.f90 4828 2021-01-05 11:21:41Z monakurppa $ ! additions for output of particle time series ! ! 4629 2020-07-29 09:37:56Z raasch ! support for MPI Fortran77 interface (mpif.h) removed ! ! 4628 2020-07-29 07:23:03Z raasch ! extensions required for MPI-I/O of particle data to restart files ! ! 4620 2020-07-22 14:11:16Z raasch ! bugfix: variable definition changed ! ! 4618 2020-07-22 11:21:08Z raasch ! unused variable removed ! ! ! Additions for cyclic fill mode ! ! ! File re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard ! ! ! Initial version (Klaus Ketelsen) ! ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Handle MPI-IO or NetCDF-IO shared memory arrays. !> This module performs the organization of new communicators, adapted PE-grids and allocation of !> shared memory arrays. The IO itself is not done here. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE shared_memory_io_mod #if defined( __parallel ) USE MPI #endif USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING USE control_parameters, & ONLY: maximum_grid_level, & message_string, & mg_switch_to_pe0_level USE indices, & ONLY: nbgp, & nnx, & nny, & nnz, & nx, & nxl, & nxlg, & nxr, & nxrg, & ny, & nyn, & nyng, & nys, & nysg, & nzb, & nzt USE kinds, & ONLY: dp, & idp, & isp, & iwp, & sp, & wp USE pegrid, & ONLY: comm1dx, & comm1dy, & comm2d, & ierr, & myid, & myidx, & myidy, & npex, & npey, & numprocs, & pdims, & pleft, & pnorth, & pright, & psouth, & sendrecvcount_xy #if defined( __parallel ) USE pegrid, & ONLY: pcoord, & reorder #endif IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE SAVE ! !-- Type to store information about the domain decomposition grid TYPE, PUBLIC :: domain_decomposition_grid_features !< INTEGER(iwp) :: comm2d !< INTEGER(iwp) :: myid !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nnx !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nny !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nx !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ny !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nys !< INTEGER(iwp) :: numprocs !< CONTAINS PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: activate_grid_from_this_class PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: save_grid_into_this_class END TYPE domain_decomposition_grid_features ! !-- Class definition for shared memory instances. !-- For every use of shared memory IO, one instance of this class is created. TYPE, PUBLIC :: sm_class !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nr_io_pe_per_node !< typical configuration, 2 sockets per node LOGICAL :: no_shared_Memory_in_this_run !< INTEGER(iwp) :: comm_model !< communicator of this model run ! !-- Variables for the shared memory communicator INTEGER(iwp), PUBLIC :: comm_shared !< communicator for processes with shared array INTEGER(iwp), PUBLIC :: sh_npes !< INTEGER(iwp), PUBLIC :: sh_rank !< LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: iam_io_pe = .TRUE. !< This PE is an IO-PE ! !-- Variables for the I/O virtual grid INTEGER(iwp), PUBLIC :: comm_io !< Communicator for all IO processes INTEGER(iwp), PUBLIC :: io_npes !< INTEGER(iwp), PUBLIC :: io_rank !< ! !-- Variables for the node local communicator INTEGER(iwp) :: comm_node !< Communicator for all processes of current node INTEGER(iwp) :: io_pe_global_rank !< INTEGER(iwp) :: n_npes !< INTEGER(iwp) :: n_rank !< TYPE(domain_decomposition_grid_features), PUBLIC :: io_grid !< io grid features, depending on reading from prerun or restart run CONTAINS PRIVATE PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: is_sm_active PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_adjust_outer_boundary PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_free_shared PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_init_comm PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_init_data_output_particles PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_node_barrier #if defined( __parallel ) PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_1d_64 PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_1d_32 PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_1di PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_2d_64 PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_2d_32 PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_2di PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_3d_64 PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_3d_32 PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_3di_32 PROCEDURE, PASS(this), PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared_3di_64 GENERIC, PUBLIC :: sm_allocate_shared => & sm_allocate_shared_1d_64, sm_allocate_shared_1d_32, & sm_allocate_shared_2d_64, sm_allocate_shared_2d_32, & sm_allocate_shared_2di, sm_allocate_shared_3d_64, & sm_allocate_shared_3d_32, sm_allocate_shared_1di, & sm_allocate_shared_3di_32, sm_allocate_shared_3di_64 #endif END TYPE sm_class CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Create the communicator for shared memory groups and IO-PEs. !> Setup the grid for shared memory IO. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_init_comm( this, sm_active, comm_input ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(INOUT) :: this !< pointer to access internal variables of this call INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: comm_input !< main model communicator (comm2d) can optional be set #if defined( __parallel ) INTEGER :: color INTEGER :: max_n_npes !< maximum number of PEs/node #endif LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: sm_active !< flag to activate shared-memory IO this%nr_io_pe_per_node = 2 IF ( PRESENT( comm_input ) ) THEN this%comm_model = comm_input ELSE this%comm_model = comm2d ENDIF this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run = .NOT. sm_active this%comm_io = this%comm_model ! preset in case of non shared-memory-IO IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) THEN this%iam_io_pe = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Determine, how many MPI threads are running on a node this%iam_io_pe = .FALSE. CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT_TYPE( this%comm_model, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, 0, MPI_INFO_NULL, & this%comm_node, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_node, this%n_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_node, this%n_rank, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( this%n_npes, max_n_npes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, this%comm_model, ierr ) ! !-- Decide, if the configuration can run with shared-memory IO IF ( max_n_npes > 64 ) THEN ! !-- Special configuration on the HLRN-IV system with 4 shared memory blocks/node this%nr_io_pe_per_node = 4 ELSEIF ( max_n_npes <= 32 ) THEN ! !-- No shared memory IO with less than 32 threads/node this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run = .TRUE. this%iam_io_pe = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF ! !-- No shared memory IO with small setups IF ( nx < 24 .OR. ny < 24 ) THEN this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run = .TRUE. this%iam_io_pe = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF ! !-- Divide a node into shared memory groups, depending on the virtual x-y grid CALL compute_color( color ) ! !-- If no shared memory IO possible, nothing is left to be done here. IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Setup the shared memory area CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( this%comm_node, color, 0, this%comm_shared, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_shared, this%sh_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_shared, this%sh_rank, ierr ) ! !-- Setup the communicator across the nodes depending on the shared memory rank. !-- All threads with shared memory rank 0 will be I/O threads. color = this%sh_rank CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( this%comm_model, color, 0, this%comm_io, ierr ) IF ( this%comm_io /= MPI_COMM_NULL ) THEN CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_io, this%io_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_io, this%io_rank, ierr ) ELSE this%io_npes = -1 this%io_rank = -1 ENDIF IF ( this%sh_rank == 0 ) THEN this%iam_io_pe = .TRUE. this%io_pe_global_rank = myid ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( this%io_pe_global_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, this%comm_shared, ierr ) #else this%iam_io_pe = .TRUE. #endif ! write(9,'(a,8i7)') ' end of sm_init_comm ',this%sh_rank,this%sh_npes,this%io_rank,this%io_npes,this%io_pe_global_rank ! write(9,*) 'This process is IO Process ',this%iam_io_pe #if defined( __parallel ) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE compute_color( color ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: color !< INTEGER(iwp) :: group_start !< INTEGER(iwp) :: my_color !< INTEGER(iwp) :: n !< INTEGER(iwp) :: pe !< INTEGER(iwp) :: sh_group_size !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4,0:this%n_npes-1) :: local_dim_s !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4,0:this%n_npes-1) :: local_dim_r !< TYPE(domain_decomposition_grid_features), DIMENSION(32) :: node_grid !< ! !-- No shared memory I/O on one node jobs IF ( numprocs < this%n_npes ) THEN this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF local_dim_s = 0 local_dim_s(1,this%n_rank) = nxl local_dim_s(2,this%n_rank) = nxr local_dim_s(3,this%n_rank) = nys local_dim_s(4,this%n_rank) = nyn node_grid%nyn = -1 ! !-- Distribute the x-y layout of all cores of a node to all node processes CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( local_dim_s, local_dim_r, SIZE( local_dim_s ), MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, & this%comm_node, ierr ) sh_group_size = ( max_n_npes + this%nr_io_pe_per_node - 1 ) / this%nr_io_pe_per_node pe = 0 my_color = 1 ! color is used to split the shared memory communicator into a communicator for ! io groups group_start = pe node_grid(my_color)%nxl = local_dim_r(1,group_start) node_grid(my_color)%nxr = local_dim_r(2,group_start) node_grid(my_color)%nys = local_dim_r(3,group_start) DO n = 1, this%n_npes-1 pe = n IF ( n > 0 .AND. MOD( n,sh_group_size ) == 0 ) THEN ! !-- If group boundary, start new IO group node_grid(my_color)%nyn = local_dim_r(4,pe-1) my_color = my_color + 1 group_start = pe node_grid(my_color)%nxl = local_dim_r(1,group_start) node_grid(my_color)%nxr = local_dim_r(2,group_start) node_grid(my_color)%nys = local_dim_r(3,group_start) ELSEIF ( local_dim_r(1,pe) /= node_grid(my_color)%nxl ) THEN ! !-- If nxl changes, start new IO group node_grid(my_color)%nyn = local_dim_r(4,pe-1) my_color = my_color+1 group_start = pe node_grid(my_color)%nxl = local_dim_r(1,group_start) node_grid(my_color)%nxr = local_dim_r(2,group_start) node_grid(my_color)%nys = local_dim_r(3,group_start) ENDIF ! !-- Save values for local PE IF ( this%n_rank == pe ) THEN ! color = my_color ENDIF IF ( n == this%n_npes-1 ) node_grid(my_color)%nyn = local_dim_r(4,pe) ENDDO IF ( this%n_rank == 0 ) THEN color = 1 ENDIF this%io_grid = node_grid(color) this%io_grid%nnx = this%io_grid%nxr - this%io_grid%nxl + 1 this%io_grid%nny = this%io_grid%nyn - this%io_grid%nys + 1 END SUBROUTINE compute_color #endif END SUBROUTINE sm_init_comm ! !-- Initializing setup for output of particle time series. !-- This output always uses a shared memory to reduce the number of particle transfers. SUBROUTINE sm_init_data_output_particles( this ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(INOUT) :: this !< pointer to access internal variables of this call #if defined( __parallel ) INTEGER(iwp) :: color !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: max_n_npes !< maximum number of PEs/node #endif LOGICAL :: sm_active !< this%nr_io_pe_per_node = 2 sm_active = .TRUE. ! particle IO always uses shared memory this%comm_model = comm2d this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run = .NOT. sm_active this%comm_io = this%comm_model ! preset in case of non shared-memory-IO IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) THEN this%iam_io_pe = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Determine, how many MPI threads are running on a node this%iam_io_pe = .FALSE. CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT_TYPE( this%comm_model, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, 0, MPI_INFO_NULL, & this%comm_node, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_node, this%n_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_node, this%n_rank, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( this%n_npes, max_n_npes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, this%comm_model, ierr ) ! !-- TODO: better explanation !-- It has to be testet, if using memory blocks for an IO process (MPI shared Memory), or if it is !-- even better to use the complete node for MPI shared memory (this%nr_io_pe_per_node = 1). !- In the latter case, the access to the MPI shared memory buffer is slower, the number of !-- particles to move between threads will be much smaller. IF ( max_n_npes > 64 ) THEN ! !-- Special configuration on the HLRN-IV system with 4 shared memory blocks/node this%nr_io_pe_per_node = 4 ENDIF IF ( this%nr_io_pe_per_node == 1 ) THEN ! !-- This branch is not realized so far this%iam_io_pe = ( this%n_rank == 0 ) this%comm_shared = this%comm_node CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_shared, this%sh_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_shared, this%sh_rank, ierr ) ELSEIF( this%nr_io_pe_per_node == 2 ) THEN this%iam_io_pe = ( this%n_rank == 0 .OR. this%n_rank == this%n_npes/2 ) IF ( this%n_rank < this%n_npes/2 ) THEN color = 1 ELSE color = 2 ENDIF CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( this%comm_node, color, 0, this%comm_shared, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_shared, this%sh_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_shared, this%sh_rank, ierr ) ELSEIF( this%nr_io_pe_per_node == 4 ) THEN this%iam_io_pe = ( this%n_rank == 0 .OR. this%n_rank == this%n_npes/4 .OR. & this%n_rank == this%n_npes/2 .OR. this%n_rank == (3*this%n_npes)/4 ) IF ( this%n_rank < this%n_npes/4 ) THEN color = 1 ELSEIF( this%n_rank < this%n_npes/2 ) THEN color = 2 ELSEIF( this%n_rank < (3*this%n_npes)/4 ) THEN color = 3 ELSE color = 4 ENDIF CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( this%comm_node, color, 0, this%comm_shared, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_shared, this%sh_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_shared, this%sh_rank, ierr ) ELSE WRITE( *, * ) 'shared_memory_io_mod: internal error' WRITE( *, * ) 'only 1, 2 or 4 shared memory groups per node are allowed ' WRITE( *, * ) 'here, ', this%nr_io_pe_per_node, ' groups have been set' STOP ENDIF ! !-- Setup the shared memory area CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( this%comm_node, color, 0, this%comm_shared, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_shared, this%sh_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_shared, this%sh_rank, ierr ) ! !-- Setup the communicator across the nodes depending on the shared memory rank. !-- All threads with shared memory rank 0 will be I/O threads. color = this%sh_rank CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( this%comm_model, color, 0, this%comm_io, ierr ) IF ( this%comm_io /= MPI_COMM_NULL ) THEN CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( this%comm_io, this%io_npes, ierr ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( this%comm_io, this%io_rank, ierr ) ELSE this%io_npes = -1 this%io_rank = -1 ENDIF IF ( this%sh_rank == 0 ) THEN this%iam_io_pe = .TRUE. this%io_pe_global_rank = myid ENDIF CALL MPI_BCAST( this%io_pe_global_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, this%comm_shared, ierr ) #else this%iam_io_pe = .FALSE. #endif END SUBROUTINE sm_init_data_output_particles !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Function to return if shared Memory IO is active. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION is_sm_active( this ) RESULT( ac ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this !< LOGICAL :: ac !< ac = .NOT. this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run END FUNCTION is_sm_active #if defined( __parallel ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 1d-REAL (64 Bit) array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_1d_64( this, p1, d1, d2, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this INTEGER(iwp) :: disp_unit INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: d1 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: d2 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: pe_from = 0 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: win INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: buf_shape REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buf REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: p1 TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = d2 - d1 + 1 ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * dp ! please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, dp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared,base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(1) = d2 - d1 + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p1(d1:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_1d_64 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 1d-REAL (32 Bit) array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_1d_32( this, p1, d1, d2, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this INTEGER(iwp) :: disp_unit INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: d1 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: d2 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: pe_from = 0 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: win INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: buf_shape REAL(sp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buf REAL(sp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: p1 TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = d2 - d1 + 1 ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * sp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, sp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared,base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(1) = d2 - d1 + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p1(d1:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_1d_32 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 1d-INTEGER array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_1di( this, p1, d1, d2, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this INTEGER(iwp) :: disp_unit INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: d1 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: d2 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: pe_from = 0 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: win INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: buf_shape INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buf INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: p1 TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = d2 - d1 + 1 ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * iwp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, iwp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared,base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(1) = d2 - d1 + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p1(d1:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_1di !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 2d-REAL array on ALL threads (64 Bit) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_2d_64( this, p2, n_nxlg, n_nxrg, n_nysg, n_nyng, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(INOUT) :: this INTEGER(iwp) :: disp_unit INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nxlg INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nxrg INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nyng INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nysg INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: pe_from = 0 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: win INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: buf_shape REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: buf REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: p2 TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = ( n_nyng - n_nysg + 1 ) * ( n_nxrg - n_nxlg + 1 ) ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * dp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, 8, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared, base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(2) = n_nyng - n_nysg + 1 buf_shape(1) = n_nxrg - n_nxlg + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p2(n_nxlg:, n_nysg:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_2d_64 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 2d-REAL (32 Bit) array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_2d_32( this, p2, n_nxlg, n_nxrg, n_nysg, n_nyng, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(INOUT) :: this INTEGER(iwp) :: disp_unit INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nxlg INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nxrg INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nyng INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nysg INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: pe_from = 0 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: win INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: buf_shape REAL(sp), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: buf REAL(sp), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: p2 TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = ( n_nyng - n_nysg + 1 ) * ( n_nxrg - n_nxlg + 1 ) ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * sp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, dp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared, base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(2) = n_nyng - n_nysg + 1 buf_shape(1) = n_nxrg - n_nxlg + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p2(n_nxlg:, n_nysg:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_2d_32 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 2d-INTEGER array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_2di( this, p2i, n_nxlg, n_nxrg, n_nysg, n_nyng, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this !< INTEGER(iwp) :: disp_unit !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nxlg !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nxrg !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nyng !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: n_nysg !< INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: pe_from = 0 !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: win !< INTEGER(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size !< INTEGER(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: buf_shape !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: buf !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: p2i !< TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr !< TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr !< IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = ( n_nyng - n_nysg + 1 ) * ( n_nxrg - n_nxlg + 1 ) ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * 4 ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, 4, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared, base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(2) = n_nyng - n_nysg + 1 buf_shape(1) = n_nxrg - n_nxlg + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p2i(n_nxlg:, n_nysg:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_2di !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 3d-REAL (64 Bit) array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3d_64( this, p3, d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, d3s, d3e, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this !< INTEGER :: disp_unit !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1e !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1s !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2e !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2s !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3e !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3s !< INTEGER, SAVE :: pe_from = 0 !< INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: win !< INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size !< INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize !< INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: buf_shape !< REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: buf !< REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: p3 !< TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr !< TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr !< IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = ( d3e - d3s + 1 ) * ( d2e - d2s + 1 ) * ( d1e - d1s + 1 ) ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * dp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, dp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared, base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(3) = d3e - d3s + 1 buf_shape(2) = d2e - d2s + 1 buf_shape(1) = d1e - d1s + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p3(d1s:,d2s:,d3s:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3d_64 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 3d-REAL (32 Bit) array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3d_32( this, p3, d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, d3s, d3e, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this INTEGER :: disp_unit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1e INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1s INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2e INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2s INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3e INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3s INTEGER, SAVE :: pe_from = 0 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: win INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: buf_shape REAL(sp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: buf REAL(sp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: p3 TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = ( d3e - d3s + 1 ) * ( d2e - d2s + 1 ) * ( d1e - d1s + 1 ) ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * sp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, sp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared, base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(3) = d3e - d3s + 1 buf_shape(2) = d2e - d2s + 1 buf_shape(1) = d1e - d1s + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p3(d1s:,d2s:,d3s:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3d_32 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 3d-REAL (32 bit) array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3di_32( this, p3, d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, d3s, d3e, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this INTEGER :: disp_unit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1e INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1s INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2e INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2s INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3e INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3s INTEGER, SAVE :: pe_from = 0 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: win INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: buf_shape INTEGER(isp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: buf INTEGER(isp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: p3 TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = ( d3e - d3s + 1 ) * ( d2e - d2s + 1 ) * ( d1e - d1s + 1 ) ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * isp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, isp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared, base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(3) = d3e - d3s + 1 buf_shape(2) = d2e - d2s + 1 buf_shape(1) = d1e - d1s + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p3(d1s:,d2s:,d3s:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3di_32 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocate shared 3d-REAL (64 bit) array on ALL threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3di_64( this, p3, d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, d3s, d3e, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this !< INTEGER :: disp_unit !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1e !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d1s !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2e !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d2s !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3e !< INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: d3s !< INTEGER, SAVE :: pe_from = 0 !< INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: win !< INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: rem_size !< INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: wsize !< INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: buf_shape !< INTEGER(idp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: buf !< INTEGER(idp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: p3 !< TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: base_ptr !< TYPE(C_PTR), SAVE :: rem_ptr !< IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN ! !-- Allocate shared memory on node rank 0 threads. IF ( this%sh_rank == pe_from ) THEN wsize = ( d3e - d3s + 1 ) * ( d2e - d2s + 1 ) * ( d1e - d1s + 1 ) ELSE wsize = 1 ENDIF wsize = wsize * idp ! Please note, size is always in bytes, independently of the displacement ! unit CALL MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( wsize, idp, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%comm_shared, base_ptr, win, ierr ) ! !-- Get C-pointer of the memory located on node-rank pe_from (sh_rank == pe_from) CALL MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( win, pe_from, rem_size, disp_unit, rem_ptr, ierr ) ! !-- Convert C- to Fortran-pointer buf_shape(3) = d3e - d3s + 1 buf_shape(2) = d2e - d2s + 1 buf_shape(1) = d1e - d1s + 1 CALL C_F_POINTER( rem_ptr, buf, buf_shape ) p3(d1s:,d2s:,d3s:) => buf ! !-- Allocate shared memory in round robin on all PEs of a node. pe_from = MOD( pe_from, this%sh_npes ) END SUBROUTINE sm_allocate_shared_3di_64 #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> ??? !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_adjust_outer_boundary( this ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this !< IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN IF ( this%io_grid%nxl == 0 ) THEN this%io_grid%nxl = this%io_grid%nxl - nbgp this%io_grid%nnx = this%io_grid%nnx + nbgp ENDIF IF ( this%io_grid%nxr == nx .OR. npex == -1 ) THEN ! npex == -1 if -D__parallel not set this%io_grid%nxr = this%io_grid%nxr + nbgp this%io_grid%nnx = this%io_grid%nnx + nbgp ENDIF IF ( this%io_grid%nys == 0 ) THEN this%io_grid%nys = this%io_grid%nys - nbgp this%io_grid%nny = this%io_grid%nny + nbgp ENDIF IF ( this%io_grid%nyn == ny .OR. npey == -1 ) THEN ! npey == -1 if -D__parallel not set this%io_grid%nyn = this%io_grid%nyn + nbgp this%io_grid%nny = this%io_grid%nny + nbgp ENDIF this%io_grid%nxl = this%io_grid%nxl + nbgp this%io_grid%nxr = this%io_grid%nxr + nbgp this%io_grid%nys = this%io_grid%nys + nbgp this%io_grid%nyn = this%io_grid%nyn + nbgp this%io_grid%nnx = this%io_grid%nnx this%io_grid%nny = this%io_grid%nny END SUBROUTINE sm_adjust_outer_boundary !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Deallocate shared aray and free related window. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_free_shared( this, win ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: win !< IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_WIN_FREE( win, ierr ) #endif win = -1 END SUBROUTINE sm_free_shared !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> ... !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE sm_node_barrier( this ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(sm_class), INTENT(inout) :: this !< IF ( this%no_shared_memory_in_this_run ) RETURN #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( this%comm_shared, ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE sm_node_barrier SUBROUTINE save_grid_into_this_class( this ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(domain_decomposition_grid_features), INTENT(inout) :: this !< this%myid = myid !< this%nnx = nnx !< this%nny = nny !< this%nx = nx !< this%nxl = nxl !< this%nxr = nxr !< this%ny = ny !< this%nyn = nyn !< this%nys = nys !< this%numprocs = numprocs !< this%comm2d = comm2d !< END SUBROUTINE save_grid_into_this_class SUBROUTINE activate_grid_from_this_class( this ) IMPLICIT NONE CLASS(domain_decomposition_grid_features), INTENT(inout) :: this !< myid = this%myid !< nnx = this%nnx !< nny = this%nny !< nx = this%nx !< nxl = this%nxl !< nxr = this%nxr !< ny = this%ny !< nyn = this%nyn !< nys = this%nys !< numprocs = this%numprocs !< comm2d = this%comm2d !< END SUBROUTINE activate_grid_from_this_class END MODULE shared_memory_io_mod