!> @file pmc_parent_mod.f90 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General ! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ! Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see ! . ! ! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: pmc_parent_mod.f90 4830 2021-01-06 11:25:45Z suehring $ ! Reformatted to follow PALM coding standard ! ! 4828 2021-01-05 11:21:41Z Giersch ! pmc_s_set_2d_index_list revised for accelerating the code. Subroutine ! description added. ! ! 4649 2020-08-25 12:11:17Z raasch ! File re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard ! ! ! 4629 2020-07-29 09:37:56Z raasch ! Support for MPI Fortran77 interface (mpif.h) removed ! ! 4360 2020-01-07 11:25:50Z suehring ! ! ! 4213 2019-09-02 14:25:56Z suehring ! Allocate array for index_list_2d also for zero-size arrays, in order to avoid errors when array ! bound checks are enabled ! ! 4212 2019-09-02 14:23:05Z suehring ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! 3962 2019-05-08 19:40:33Z suehring ! Bugfixes in initial settings of child and parent communication patterns. ! ! 3655 2019-01-07 16:51:22Z knoop ! Explicit kind settings ! ! 1762 2016-02-25 12:31:13Z hellstea ! Initial revision by K. Ketelsen ! ! Authors: ! -------- !> @author Klaus Ketelsen (no affiliation) ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Parent part of Palm Model Coupler !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE pmc_parent #if defined( __parallel ) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING USE MPI USE kinds USE pmc_general, & ONLY: arraydef, & childdef, & da_namedef, & da_namelen, & pedef, & pmc_g_setname, & pmc_max_array, & pmc_max_models USE pmc_handle_communicator, & ONLY: m_model_comm, & m_model_rank, & m_model_npes, & m_to_child_comm, & m_world_rank, & pmc_parent_for_child USE pmc_mpi_wrapper, & ONLY: pmc_alloc_mem, & pmc_bcast, & pmc_time IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: next_array_in_list = 0 !< TYPE childindexdef INTEGER :: nrpoints !< INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: index_list_2d !< END TYPE childindexdef TYPE(childdef), DIMENSION(pmc_max_models) :: children !< TYPE(childindexdef), DIMENSION(pmc_max_models) :: indchildren !< SAVE PRIVATE ! !-- Public functions PUBLIC pmc_parent_for_child ! !-- Public variables, constants and types PUBLIC children, & pmc_parentinit, & pmc_s_clear_next_array_list, & pmc_s_fillbuffer, & pmc_s_getdata_from_buffer, & pmc_s_getnextarray, & pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem, & pmc_s_set_active_data_array, & pmc_s_set_dataarray, & pmc_s_set_2d_index_list, & pmc_s_get_child_npes INTERFACE pmc_parentinit MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_parentinit END INTERFACE pmc_parentinit INTERFACE pmc_s_set_2d_index_list MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_set_2d_index_list END INTERFACE pmc_s_set_2d_index_list INTERFACE pmc_s_clear_next_array_list MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_clear_next_array_list END INTERFACE pmc_s_clear_next_array_list INTERFACE pmc_s_getnextarray MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_getnextarray END INTERFACE pmc_s_getnextarray INTERFACE pmc_s_set_dataarray MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_set_dataarray_2d MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_set_dataarray_3d MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_set_dataarray_ip2d END INTERFACE pmc_s_set_dataarray INTERFACE pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem END INTERFACE pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem INTERFACE pmc_s_fillbuffer MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_fillbuffer END INTERFACE pmc_s_fillbuffer INTERFACE pmc_s_getdata_from_buffer MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_getdata_from_buffer END INTERFACE pmc_s_getdata_from_buffer INTERFACE pmc_s_set_active_data_array MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_set_active_data_array END INTERFACE pmc_s_set_active_data_array INTERFACE pmc_s_get_child_npes MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_s_get_child_npes END INTERFACE pmc_s_get_child_npes CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> If this thread is intended as parent, initialize parent part of parent-client data transfer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_parentinit INTEGER(iwp) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: istat !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< DO i = 1, SIZE( pmc_parent_for_child ) - 1 childid = pmc_parent_for_child( i ) children(childid)%model_comm = m_model_comm children(childid)%inter_comm = m_to_child_comm(childid) ! !-- Get rank and size CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( children(childid)%model_comm, children(childid)%model_rank, istat ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( children(childid)%model_comm, children(childid)%model_npes, istat ) CALL MPI_COMM_REMOTE_SIZE( children(childid)%inter_comm, children(childid)%inter_npes, & istat ) ! !-- Intra communicator is used for MPI_GET CALL MPI_INTERCOMM_MERGE( children(childid)%inter_comm, .FALSE., & children(childid)%intra_comm, istat ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( children(childid)%intra_comm, children(childid)%intra_rank, istat ) ALLOCATE( children(childid)%pes(children(childid)%inter_npes) ) ! !-- Allocate array of TYPE arraydef for all child PEs to store information of the transfer array DO j = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ALLOCATE( children(childid)%pes(j)%array_list(pmc_max_array) ) ENDDO CALL get_da_names_from_child( childid ) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_parentinit !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> thread 0 transfers the index list, which contains all parent grid cells involved in !> parent client data transfer to the thread, on which this grid cell is located !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_2d_index_list( childid, index_list ) INTEGER(iwp) :: ian !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ip !< INTEGER(iwp) :: istat !< INTEGER(iwp) :: max_cells !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: index_list !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: cells_on_pe !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lo_ind_list !< IF ( m_model_rank == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Compute maximum number of grid cells located on one parent thread ALLOCATE( cells_on_pe(0:m_model_npes-1) ) cells_on_pe = 0 DO i = 1, SIZE( index_list, 2 ) cells_on_pe(index_list(6,i )) = cells_on_pe(index_list(6,i ))+1 ENDDO max_cells = MAXVAL( cells_on_pe ) ! !-- Allocate temp array for thread dependent transfer of index_list ALLOCATE( lo_ind_list(SIZE( index_list,1 ),max_cells) ) DO ip = 0, m_model_npes-1 ! !-- Split into parent processes ian = 0 DO i = 1, SIZE( index_list, 2 ) IF ( index_list(6,i) == ip ) THEN ian = ian+1 lo_ind_list(:,ian) = index_list(:,i) ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Send data to other parent processes IF ( ip == 0 ) THEN indchildren(childid)%nrpoints = ian ! !-- Allocate array for index_list_2d. Note, the array will also be allocated in case !-- ian = 0, in order to avoid errors when array bounds are checked. ALLOCATE( indchildren(childid)%index_list_2d(6,1:ian) ) IF ( ian > 0 ) THEN indchildren(childid)%index_list_2d(:,1:ian) = lo_ind_list(:,1:ian) ENDIF ELSE CALL MPI_SEND( ian, 1, MPI_INTEGER, ip, 1000, m_model_comm, istat ) IF ( ian > 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( lo_ind_list, 6*ian, MPI_INTEGER, ip, 1001, m_model_comm, istat ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO DEALLOCATE( lo_ind_list ) DEALLOCATE( cells_on_pe ) ELSE CALL MPI_RECV( indchildren(childid)%nrpoints, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 1000, m_model_comm, & MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, istat ) ian = indchildren(childid)%nrpoints ! !-- Allocate array for index_list_2d. Note, the array will also be allocated in case ian=0, in !-- order to avoid errors when array bounds are checked. ALLOCATE( indchildren(childid)%index_list_2d(6,1:ian) ) IF ( ian > 0 ) THEN CALL MPI_RECV( indchildren(childid)%index_list_2d, 6*ian, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 1001, & m_model_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, istat) ENDIF ENDIF CALL set_pe_index_list( children(childid), indchildren(childid)%index_list_2d, & indchildren(childid)%nrpoints ) END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_2d_index_list !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Before creating an array list with arrays schedule for parent client transfer !> make sure that the list is empty !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_clear_next_array_list next_array_in_list = 0 END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_clear_next_array_list LOGICAL FUNCTION pmc_s_getnextarray( childid, myname ) ! !-- Althoug there are no linked lists any more in PMC, this call still looks like working with a list CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: myname !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< next_array_in_list = next_array_in_list + 1 ! !-- Array names are the same on all children processes, so take first process to get the name ape => children(childid)%pes(1) IF ( next_array_in_list > ape%nr_arrays ) THEN ! !-- All arrays are done pmc_s_getnextarray = .FALSE. RETURN ENDIF ar => ape%array_list(next_array_in_list) myname = ar%name ! !-- Return true if there is still an array in the list pmc_s_getnextarray = .TRUE. END FUNCTION pmc_s_getnextarray !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> add 2D real array to list of arrays scheduled for parent-client transfer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_2d( childid, array, array_2 ) INTEGER(iwp) :: nrdims !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4) :: dims !< REAL(wp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: array !< REAL(wp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER, OPTIONAL :: array_2 !< TYPE(C_PTR) :: array_adr !< TYPE(C_PTR) :: second_adr !< dims = 1 nrdims = 2 dims(1) = SIZE( array, 1 ) dims(2) = SIZE( array, 2 ) array_adr = C_LOC( array ) IF ( PRESENT( array_2 ) ) THEN second_adr = C_LOC( array_2 ) CALL pmc_s_setarray( childid, nrdims, dims, array_adr, second_adr = second_adr ) ELSE CALL pmc_s_setarray( childid, nrdims, dims, array_adr ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_2d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> add 2D integer array to list of arrays scheduled for parent-client transfer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_ip2d( childid, array ) INTEGER(iwp) :: nrdims !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4) :: dims !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(idp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: array !< TYPE(C_PTR) :: array_adr !< dims = 1 nrdims = 2 dims(1) = SIZE( array, 1 ) dims(2) = SIZE( array, 2 ) array_adr = C_LOC( array ) CALL pmc_s_setarray( childid, nrdims, dims, array_adr , dimkey = 22 ) END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_ip2d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> add 3D real array to list of arrays scheduled for parent-client transfer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_3d( childid, array, nz_cl, nz, array_2 ) INTEGER(iwp) :: nrdims !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: nz !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: nz_cl !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4) :: dims !< REAL(wp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: array !< REAL(wp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER, OPTIONAL :: array_2 !< TYPE(C_PTR) :: array_adr !< TYPE(C_PTR) :: second_adr !< nrdims = 3 dims(1) = SIZE( array, 1 ) dims(2) = SIZE( array, 2 ) dims(3) = SIZE( array, 3 ) dims(4) = nz_cl+dims(1)-nz ! Works for first dimension 1:nz and 0:nz+1 array_adr = C_LOC( array ) ! !-- In PALM's pointer version, two indices have to be stored internally. !-- The active address of the data array is set in swap_timelevel. IF ( PRESENT( array_2 ) ) THEN second_adr = C_LOC( array_2 ) CALL pmc_s_setarray( childid, nrdims, dims, array_adr, second_adr = second_adr ) ELSE CALL pmc_s_setarray( childid, nrdims, dims, array_adr ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_3d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Naming convention for appendices: _pc -> parent to child transfer !> _cp -> child to parent transfer !> send -> parent to child transfer !> recv -> child to parent transfer !> !> @todo: Missing subroutine description. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem( childid ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: message_string INTEGER(iwp) :: arlen !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: lo_nr_arrays !< store number of arrays in local variiab le INTEGER(iwp) :: myindex !< INTEGER(iwp) :: total_npes !< Total Number of PEs Parent and Child INTEGER(idp) :: bufsize !< size of MPI data window INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: winsize !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: myindex_s !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: myindex_r !< REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:), POINTER, SAVE :: base_array_cp !< base array for child to parent transfer REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:), POINTER, SAVE :: base_array_pc !< base array for parent to child transfer TYPE(C_PTR) :: base_ptr !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< call MPI_COMM_SIZE( children(childid)%intra_comm, total_npes, ierr ) ! !-- Parent to child direction myindex = 1 bufsize = 8 ! !-- All Child processes get the same number of arrays. !-- Therfore the number of arrays form the first Child process can be used for Dimension. lo_nr_arrays = children(childid)%pes(1)%nr_arrays ALLOCATE( myindex_s(lo_nr_arrays,0:total_npes-1) ) ALLOCATE( myindex_r(lo_nr_arrays,0:total_npes-1) ) myindex_s = 0 ! !-- First stride: compute size and set index DO i = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ape => children(childid)%pes(i) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) IF ( ar%nrdims == 2 ) THEN arlen = ape%nrele ELSEIF ( ar%nrdims == 3 ) THEN arlen = ape%nrele * ar%a_dim(4) ELSE arlen = -1 ENDIF ar%sendindex = myindex ! !-- Using intra communicator for MPU_Alltoall, the numbers of the child processes are after !-- the parent ones. myindex_s(j,i-1+children(childid)%model_npes) = myindex myindex = myindex + arlen bufsize = bufsize + arlen ar%sendsize = arlen ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Using MPI_Alltoall to send indices from Parent to Child !-- The data comming back from the child processes are ignored. CALL MPI_ALLTOALL( myindex_s, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, myindex_r, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, & children(childid)%intra_comm, ierr ) ! !-- Using MPI_Alltoall to receive indices from Child myindex_s = 0 myindex_r = 0 CALL MPI_ALLTOALL( myindex_s, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, myindex_r, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, & children(childid)%intra_comm, ierr ) ! !-- Create RMA (One Sided Communication) window for data buffer parent to child transfer. !-- The buffer of MPI_GET (counterpart of transfer) can be PE-local, i.e. it can but must not be !-- part of the MPI RMA window. Only one RMA window is required to prepare the data for: !-- parent -> child transfer on the parent side !-- and for: !-- child -> parent transfer on the child side CALL pmc_alloc_mem( base_array_pc, bufsize ) children(childid)%totalbuffersize = bufsize * wp winsize = bufsize * wp CALL MPI_WIN_CREATE( base_array_pc, winsize, wp, MPI_INFO_NULL, children(childid)%intra_comm, & children(childid)%win_parent_child, ierr ) ! !-- Open window to set data CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, children(childid)%win_parent_child, ierr ) ! !-- Second stride: set buffer pointer DO i = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ape => children(childid)%pes(i) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) ar%sendbuf = C_LOC( base_array_pc(ar%sendindex) ) IF ( ar%sendindex + ar%sendsize > bufsize ) THEN WRITE( message_string, '(a,i4,4i7,1x,a)' ) 'parent buffer too small ',i , & ar%sendindex, ar%sendsize, ar%sendindex + ar%sendsize, bufsize, TRIM( ar%name ) CALL message( 'pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem', 'PA0429', 3, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Child to parent direction bufsize = 8 ! !-- First stride: compute size and set index DO i = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ape => children(childid)%pes(i) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) ! !-- Receive index from child IF ( ar%nrdims == 3 ) THEN bufsize = MAX( bufsize, INT( ape%nrele * ar%a_dim(4), MPI_ADDRESS_KIND ) ) ELSE bufsize = MAX( bufsize, INT( ape%nrele, MPI_ADDRESS_KIND ) ) ENDIF ar%recvindex = myindex_r(j,i-1+children(childid)%model_npes) ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( myindex_s ) DEALLOCATE( myindex_r ) ! !-- Create RMA (one sided communication, RMA = Remote Memory Access) data buffer. !-- The buffer for MPI_GET can be PE local, i.e. it can but must not be part of the MPI RMA window. CALL pmc_alloc_mem( base_array_cp, bufsize, base_ptr ) children(childid)%totalbuffersize = bufsize * wp CALL MPI_BARRIER( children(childid)%intra_comm, ierr ) ! !-- Second stride: set buffer pointer DO i = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ape => children(childid)%pes(i) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) ar%recvbuf = base_ptr ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Fill buffer in RMA window to enable the client to fetch the dat with MPI_Get !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_fillbuffer( childid, waittime, particle_transfer ) INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ij !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ip !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: myindex !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(1) :: buf_shape !< INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: ibuf !< INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: idata_2d !< LOGICAL :: lo_ptrans !< LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: particle_transfer !< REAL(wp) :: t1 !< REAL(wp) :: t2 !< REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: waittime !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: buf !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: data_2d !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: data_3d !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< ! !-- Synchronization of the model is done in pmci_synchronize. Therefor the RMA window can be filled !-- without sychronization at this point and a barrier is not necessary. !-- Please note that waittime has to be set in pmc_s_fillbuffer AND pmc_c_getbuffer. IF ( PRESENT( waittime ) ) THEN t1 = pmc_time() CALL MPI_BARRIER( children(childid)%intra_comm, ierr ) t2 = pmc_time() waittime = t2 - t1 ENDIF lo_ptrans = .FALSE. IF ( PRESENT( particle_transfer ) ) lo_ptrans = particle_transfer DO ip = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ape => children(childid)%pes(ip) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) myindex = 1 IF ( ar%dimkey == 2 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans ) THEN ! PALM 2D REAL*8 Array buf_shape(1) = ape%nrele CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%sendbuf, buf, buf_shape ) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele buf(myindex) = data_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ELSEIF ( ar%dimkey == 3 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans ) THEN ! PALM 3D REAL*8 Array buf_shape(1) = ape%nrele*ar%a_dim(4) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%sendbuf, buf, buf_shape ) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_3d, ar%a_dim(1:3) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele buf(myindex:myindex+ar%a_dim(4)-1) = & data_3d(1:ar%a_dim(4),ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) myindex = myindex + ar%a_dim(4) ENDDO ELSEIF ( ar%dimkey == 22 .AND. lo_ptrans ) THEN ! 2D INTEGER*8 Array for particle Transfer buf_shape(1) = ape%nrele CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%sendbuf, ibuf, buf_shape ) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, idata_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele ibuf(myindex) = idata_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Buffer is filled CALL MPI_BARRIER( children(childid)%intra_comm, ierr ) END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_fillbuffer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Get client data from RMM window !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_getdata_from_buffer( childid, waittime , particle_transfer, child_process_nr ) INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ij !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ip !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ip_start !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ip_end !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: myindex !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: target_pe !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: child_process_nr !< INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: target_disp !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(1) :: buf_shape !< INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: ibuf !< INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: idata_2d !< LOGICAL :: lo_ptrans !< LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: particle_transfer !< REAL(wp) :: t1 !< REAL(wp) :: t2 !< REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: waittime !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: buf !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: data_2d !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: data_3d !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< t1 = pmc_time() IF( PRESENT( child_process_nr ) ) THEN ip_start = child_process_nr ip_end = child_process_nr ELSE ip_start = 1 ip_end = children(childid)%inter_npes END IF lo_ptrans = .FALSE. IF ( PRESENT( particle_transfer ) ) lo_ptrans = particle_transfer IF(ip_start == 1) THEN ! !-- Wait for child to fill buffer CALL MPI_BARRIER( children(childid)%intra_comm, ierr ) t2 = pmc_time() - t1 IF ( PRESENT( waittime ) ) waittime = t2 CALL MPI_BARRIER( children(childid)%intra_comm, ierr ) ENDIF DO ip = ip_start, ip_end ape => children(childid)%pes(ip) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) IF ( ar%recvindex < 0 ) CYCLE IF ( ar%dimkey == 2 .AND. .NOT. lo_ptrans ) THEN nr = ape%nrele ELSEIF ( ar%dimkey == 3 .AND. .NOT. lo_ptrans ) THEN nr = ape%nrele * ar%a_dim(4) ELSE IF ( ar%dimkey == 22 .AND. lo_ptrans) THEN nr = ape%nrele ELSE CYCLE ! Particle arrays are not transfered here ENDIF buf_shape(1) = nr IF(lo_ptrans) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%recvbuf, ibuf, buf_shape ) ELSE CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%recvbuf, buf, buf_shape ) ENDIF ! !-- MPI passive target RMA IF ( nr > 0 ) THEN target_disp = ar%recvindex - 1 ! !-- Child processes are located behind parent process target_pe = ip - 1 + m_model_npes CALL MPI_WIN_LOCK( MPI_LOCK_SHARED, target_pe, 0, children(childid)%win_parent_child, & ierr ) IF ( lo_ptrans ) THEN CALL MPI_GET( ibuf, nr * 8, MPI_BYTE, target_pe, target_disp, nr * 8, & !There is no MPI_INTEGER8 datatype MPI_BYTE, children(childid)%win_parent_child, ierr ) ELSE CALL MPI_GET( buf, nr, MPI_REAL, target_pe, target_disp, nr, MPI_REAL, & children(childid)%win_parent_child, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_WIN_UNLOCK( target_pe, children(childid)%win_parent_child, ierr ) ENDIF myindex = 1 IF ( ar%dimkey == 2 .AND. .NOT. lo_ptrans ) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele data_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) = buf(myindex) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ELSE IF ( ar%dimkey == 3 .AND. .NOT. lo_ptrans ) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_3d, ar%a_dim(1:3) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele data_3d(1:ar%a_dim(4),ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) = & buf(myindex:myindex+ar%a_dim(4)-1) myindex = myindex + ar%a_dim(4) ENDDO ELSE IF ( ar%dimkey == 22 .AND. lo_ptrans) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, idata_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele idata_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) = ibuf(myindex) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_getdata_from_buffer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> broadcast name of transfer arrays from child thread 0 to parent threads !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_da_names_from_child( childid ) ! !-- Get data array description and name from child INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< TYPE(da_namedef) :: myname !< DO CALL pmc_bcast( myname%couple_index, 0, comm=m_to_child_comm(childid) ) IF ( myname%couple_index == -1 ) EXIT CALL pmc_bcast( myname%parentdesc, 0, comm=m_to_child_comm(childid) ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%nameonparent, 0, comm=m_to_child_comm(childid) ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%childdesc, 0, comm=m_to_child_comm(childid) ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%nameonchild, 0, comm=m_to_child_comm(childid) ) CALL pmc_g_setname( children(childid), myname%couple_index, myname%nameonparent ) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE get_da_names_from_child !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> @todo: Missing subroutine description. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_setarray( childid, nrdims, dims, array_adr, second_adr, dimkey ) ! !-- Set array for child inter process 0 INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< local counter INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: nrdims !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: dimkey !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:) :: dims !< TYPE(C_PTR), INTENT(IN) :: array_adr !< TYPE(C_PTR), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: second_adr !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< DO i = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ape => children(childid)%pes(i) ar => ape%array_list(next_array_in_list) ar%nrdims = nrdims ar%dimkey = nrdims IF( PRESENT( dimkey ) ) ar%dimkey = dimkey ar%a_dim = dims ar%data = array_adr IF ( PRESENT( second_adr ) ) THEN ar%po_data(1) = array_adr ar%po_data(2) = second_adr ELSE ar%po_data(1) = C_NULL_PTR ar%po_data(2) = C_NULL_PTR ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_setarray !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> @todo: Missing subroutine description. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_active_data_array( childid, iactive ) INTEGER(iwp) :: ip !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: childid !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: iactive !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< DO ip = 1, children(childid)%inter_npes ape => children(childid)%pes(ip) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) IF ( MOD( ar%dimkey, 10 ) == 2 ) CYCLE !Not for 2D array IF ( iactive == 1 .OR. iactive == 2 ) THEN ar%data = ar%po_data(iactive) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_active_data_array !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> @todo: Missing function description. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! INTEGER FUNCTION pmc_s_get_child_npes( child_id ) INTEGER(iwp),INTENT(IN) :: child_id !< pmc_s_get_child_npes = children(child_id)%inter_npes RETURN END FUNCTION pmc_s_get_child_npes !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> @todo: Missing subroutine description. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE set_pe_index_list( mychild, index_list, nrp ) INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ind !< INTEGER(iwp) :: indwin !< INTEGER(iwp) :: indwin2 !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i2 !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: rempe !< TYPE(childdef), INTENT(INOUT) :: mychild !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(mychild%inter_npes) :: remind !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: nrp !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:) :: index_list !< INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: winsize !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: remindw !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: rldef !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< ! !-- First, count entries for every remote child process DO i = 1, mychild%inter_npes ape => mychild%pes(i) ape%nrele = 0 ENDDO ! !-- Loop over number of coarse grid cells DO j = 1, nrp rempe = index_list(5,j) + 1 ! Process number on remote process ape => mychild%pes(rempe) ape%nrele = ape%nrele + 1 ! Increment number of elements for this child process ENDDO DO i = 1, mychild%inter_npes ape => mychild%pes(i) ALLOCATE( ape%locind(ape%nrele) ) ENDDO remind = 0 ! !-- Second, create lists !-- Loop over number of coarse grid cells DO j = 1, nrp rempe = index_list(5,j) + 1 ape => mychild%pes(rempe) remind(rempe) = remind(rempe) + 1 ind = remind(rempe) ape%locind(ind)%i = index_list(1,j) ape%locind(ind)%j = index_list(2,j) ENDDO ! !-- Prepare number of elements for children processes CALL pmc_alloc_mem( rldef, mychild%inter_npes * 2 ) ! !-- Number of child processes * size of INTEGER (i just arbitrary INTEGER) winsize = mychild%inter_npes * STORAGE_SIZE( i ) / 8 * 2 CALL MPI_WIN_CREATE( rldef, winsize, iwp, MPI_INFO_NULL, mychild%intra_comm, indwin, ierr ) ! !-- Open window to set data CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin, ierr ) rldef(1) = 0 ! Index on remote process 0 rldef(2) = remind(1) ! Number of elements on remote process 0 ! !-- Reserve buffer for index array DO i = 2, mychild%inter_npes i2 = ( i - 1 ) * 2 + 1 rldef(i2) = rldef(i2-2) + rldef(i2-1) * 2 ! Index on remote process rldef(i2+1) = remind(i) ! Number of elements on remote process ENDDO ! !-- Close window to allow child to access data CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin, ierr ) ! !-- Child has retrieved data CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin, ierr ) i2 = 2 * mychild%inter_npes - 1 winsize = ( rldef(i2) + rldef(i2+1) ) * 2 ! !-- Make sure, MPI_ALLOC_MEM works winsize = MAX( winsize, INT( 1, MPI_ADDRESS_KIND ) ) CALL pmc_alloc_mem( remindw, INT( winsize ) ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( m_model_comm, ierr ) CALL MPI_WIN_CREATE( remindw, winsize * STORAGE_SIZE( i ) / 8, iwp, MPI_INFO_NULL, & mychild%intra_comm, indwin2, ierr ) ! !-- Open window to set data CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin2, ierr ) ! !-- Create the 2D index list DO j = 1, nrp rempe = index_list(5,j) + 1 ! Process number on remote process ape => mychild%pes(rempe) i2 = rempe * 2 - 1 ind = rldef(i2) + 1 remindw(ind) = index_list(3,j) remindw(ind+1) = index_list(4,j) rldef(i2) = rldef(i2)+2 ENDDO ! !-- All data are set CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin2, ierr ) ! !-- Don't know why, but this barrier is necessary before windows can be freed !-- TODO: find out why this is required CALL MPI_BARRIER( mychild%intra_comm, ierr ) CALL MPI_WIN_FREE( indwin, ierr ) CALL MPI_WIN_FREE( indwin2, ierr ) ! !-- TODO: check if the following idea needs to be done !-- Should work, Problem with MPI implementation !-- https://www.lrz.de/services/software/parallel/mpi/onesided !-- CALL MPI_Free_mem (remindw, ierr) END SUBROUTINE set_pe_index_list #endif END MODULE pmc_parent