!> @file message.f90 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General ! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ! Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see ! . ! ! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: message.f90 4828 2021-01-05 11:21:41Z monakurppa $ ! file re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard ! ! 4580 2020-06-29 07:54:21Z raasch ! bugfix for aborts in case of nested runs ! ! 4578 2020-06-25 15:43:32Z gronemeier ! bugfix : do not save input values from last call of routines debug_message and location_message ! changes: layout changes according to PALM coding standards ! ! 4536 2020-05-17 17:24:13Z raasch ! location message format changed ! ! 4360 2020-01-07 11:25:50Z suehring ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! 4097 2019-07-15 11:59:11Z suehring ! Avoid overlong lines - limit is 132 characters per line ! ! 3987 2019-05-22 09:52:13Z kanani ! Improved formatting of job logfile output, ! changed output of DEBUG file ! ! 3885 2019-04-11 11:29:34Z kanani ! Changes related to global restructuring of location messages and introduction of additional debug ! messages ! ! 3655 2019-01-07 16:51:22Z knoop ! Minor formating changes ! ! 213 2008-11-13 10:26:18Z raasch ! Initial revision ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Handling of the different kinds of messages. !> Meaning of formal parameters: !> requested_action: 0 - continue, 1 - abort by stop, 2 - abort by mpi_abort !> 3 - abort by mpi_abort using MPI_COMM_WORLD !> message_level: 0 - informative, 1 - warning, 2 - error !> output_on_pe: -1 - all, else - output on specified PE !> file_id: 6 - stdout (*) !> flush_file: 0 - no action, 1 - flush the respective output buffer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE message( routine_name, message_identifier, requested_action, message_level, & output_on_pe, file_id, flush_file ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: abort_mode, message_string USE kinds USE pegrid USE pmc_interface, & ONLY: cpl_id, nested_run IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: message_identifier !< CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: nest_string !< nest id information CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: routine_name !< CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: header_string !< CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: header_string_2 !< for message ID and routine name CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: information_string_1 !< CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: information_string_2 !< INTEGER(iwp) :: file_id !< INTEGER(iwp) :: flush_file !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: message_level !< INTEGER(iwp) :: output_on_pe !< INTEGER(iwp) :: requested_action !< LOGICAL :: do_output !< LOGICAL :: pe_out_of_range !< do_output = .FALSE. pe_out_of_range = .FALSE. ! !-- In case of nested runs create the nest id informations IF ( nested_run ) THEN WRITE( nest_string, '(1X,A,I2.2)' ) 'from nest-id ', cpl_id ELSE nest_string = '' ENDIF ! !-- Create the complete output string, starting with the message level IF ( message_level == 0 ) THEN header_string = '--- informative message' // TRIM(nest_string) // ' ---' ELSEIF ( message_level == 1 ) THEN header_string = '+++ warning message' // TRIM(nest_string) // ' ---' ELSEIF ( message_level == 2 ) THEN header_string = '+++ error message' // TRIM(nest_string) // ' ---' ELSE WRITE( header_string,'(A,I2)' ) '+++ unknown message level' // & TRIM(nest_string) // ': ', message_level ENDIF ! !-- Add the message identifier and the generating routine header_string_2 = 'ID: ' // message_identifier // & ' generated by routine: ' // TRIM( routine_name ) information_string_1 = 'Further information can be found at' IF ( message_identifier(1:2) == 'NC' ) THEN information_string_2 = 'http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/errmsg#NC' ELSE information_string_2 = 'http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/errmsg#' // & message_identifier ENDIF ! !-- Output the output string and the corresponding message string which had been already assigned in !-- the calling subroutine. ! !-- First find out if output shall be done on this PE. IF ( output_on_pe == -1 ) THEN do_output = .TRUE. ELSEIF ( myid == output_on_pe ) THEN do_output = .TRUE. ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- In case of illegal pe number output on pe0 IF ( output_on_pe > numprocs-1 ) THEN pe_out_of_range = .TRUE. IF ( myid == 0 ) do_output = .TRUE. ENDIF #endif ! !-- Now do the output IF ( do_output ) THEN IF ( file_id == 6 ) THEN ! !-- Output on stdout WRITE( *, '(16X,A)' ) TRIM( header_string ) WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) TRIM( header_string_2 ) ! !-- Cut message string into pieces and output one piece per line. !-- Remove leading blanks. message_string = ADJUSTL( message_string ) i = INDEX( message_string, '&' ) DO WHILE ( i /= 0 ) WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) ADJUSTL( message_string(1:i-1) ) message_string = ADJUSTL( message_string(i+1:) ) i = INDEX( message_string, '&' ) ENDDO WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) '' WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) TRIM( message_string ) WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) '' WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) TRIM( information_string_1 ) WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) TRIM( information_string_2 ) WRITE( *, '(20X,A)' ) '' ELSE ! !-- Output on requested file id (file must have been opened elsewhere!) WRITE( file_id, '(A/)' ) TRIM( header_string ) ! !-- Cut message string into pieces and output one piece per line. !-- Remove leading blanks. message_string = ADJUSTL( message_string ) i = INDEX( message_string, '&' ) DO WHILE ( i /= 0 ) WRITE( file_id, '(4X,A)' ) ADJUSTL( message_string(1:i-1) ) message_string = ADJUSTL( message_string(i+1:) ) i = INDEX( message_string, '&' ) ENDDO WRITE( file_id, '(4X,A)' ) TRIM( message_string ) WRITE( file_id, '(4X,A)' ) '' WRITE( file_id, '(4X,A)' ) TRIM( information_string_1 ) WRITE( file_id, '(4X,A)' ) TRIM( information_string_2 ) WRITE( file_id, '(4X,A)' ) '' ! !-- Flush buffer, if requested IF ( flush_file == 1 ) FLUSH( file_id ) ENDIF IF ( pe_out_of_range ) THEN WRITE ( *, '(A)' ) '+++ WARNING from routine message:' WRITE ( *, '(A,I6,A)' ) ' PE ', output_on_pe, ' choosed for output is larger ' WRITE ( *, '(A,I6)' ) ' than the maximum number of used PEs', numprocs-1 WRITE ( *, '(A)' ) ' Output is done on PE0 instead' ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Abort execution, if requested IF ( requested_action > 0 ) THEN abort_mode = requested_action ! !-- Since nested runs always use MPI_ABORT, let only the PE which output a message initiate the !-- abort. Others just wait. IF ( nested_run .AND. requested_action == 1 .AND. .NOT. do_output ) THEN #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif ELSE CALL local_stop ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE message !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Prints out the given location on stdout !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE location_message( location, message_type ) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, & ONLY: OUTPUT_UNIT USE pegrid, & ONLY: myid USE pmc_interface, & ONLY: cpl_id IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: location !< text to be output on stdout CHARACTER(LEN=60) :: location_trimmed !< trimmed text to be output on stdout CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message_type !< type of message; supported values: 'start', 'finished' CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: message_type_string !< formatted message-type string for output CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: system_time !< formatted system clock time CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: time !< current time of system ! !-- Output for nested runs only on the root domain IF ( cpl_id /= 1 ) RETURN IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Get system time for debug info output (helpful to estimate the required computing time for !-- specific parts of code) CALL date_and_time( TIME=time ) system_time = time(1:2) // ':' // time(3:4) // ':' // time(5:6) ! !-- Write message-type string depending on message_type message_type_string = REPEAT( '-', 10 ) IF ( TRIM( message_type ) == 'start' ) & message_type_string(2:) = TRIM( message_type ) // '----' IF ( TRIM( message_type ) == 'finished' ) & message_type_string(2:) = TRIM( message_type ) // '-' ! !-- Trim location text to a maximum of 60 chars !-- Note: if the length is set within the write format, the string is right-aligned; to trim and !-- left-align the output, we need to use this detour WRITE( location_trimmed, '(A)' ) ADJUSTL( TRIM( location ) ) ! !-- Write and flush debug location or info message to file WRITE( OUTPUT_UNIT, 200 ) system_time, message_type_string, TRIM( location_trimmed ) FLUSH( OUTPUT_UNIT ) ! !-- Message formats 200 FORMAT ( 3X, A, 3x, A, 3X, A ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE location_message !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Prints out the given debug information to unit 9 (DEBUG files in temporary directory) !> for each PE on each domain. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE debug_message( debug_string, message_type ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: time_since_reference_point IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: debug_string !< debug message to be output to debug_output_unit CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message_type !< type of message; supported values: 'start', 'end', 'info' CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: message_type_string !< formatted message-type string for output CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: system_time !< formatted system clock time CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: time !< current time of system INTEGER, PARAMETER :: debug_output_unit = 9 ! !-- Get system time for debug info output (helpful to estimate the required computing time for !-- specific parts of code) CALL date_and_time( TIME=time ) system_time = time(1:2) // ':' // time(3:4) // ':' // time(5:6) ! !-- Write message-type string depending on message_type message_type_string = REPEAT( '-', 7 ) IF ( TRIM( message_type ) == 'start' ) message_type_string(2:) = TRIM( message_type ) // '-' IF ( TRIM( message_type ) == 'end' ) message_type_string(2:) = TRIM( message_type ) // '---' IF ( TRIM( message_type ) == 'info' ) message_type_string(2:) = TRIM( message_type ) // '--' ! !-- Write and flush debug location or info message to file WRITE( debug_output_unit, 201 ) system_time, time_since_reference_point, & message_type_string, TRIM( debug_string ) FLUSH( debug_output_unit ) ! !-- Message formats 201 FORMAT ( 'System time: ', A, ' | simulated time (s): ', F12.3, ' | ', A, ' ', A ) END SUBROUTINE debug_message !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Abort routine for failures durin reading of namelists !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE parin_fail_message( location, line ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: message_string USE kinds IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: location !< text to be output on stdout CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: line CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: line_dum INTEGER(iwp) :: line_counter line_dum = ' ' line_counter = 0 REWIND( 11 ) DO WHILE ( INDEX( line_dum, TRIM(line) ) == 0 ) READ ( 11, '(A)', END=20 ) line_dum line_counter = line_counter + 1 ENDDO 20 WRITE( message_string, '(A,I3,A)' ) 'Error(s) in NAMELIST '// TRIM(location) // & '&Reading fails on line ', line_counter, ' at&' // line CALL message( 'parin', 'PA0271', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) END SUBROUTINE parin_fail_message