MainWindow 0 0 797 500 MainWindow Qt::LeftToRight QMainWindow::AllowTabbedDocks|QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks 85 60 361 111 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 5 0 5 5 25 0 24 0 99999999 0 24 1 99999999 0 24 0 99999999 0 24 1 99999999 0 24 1 99999999 25 22 0 99999999 0 10 171 16 75 true Define numerical grid 10 82 71 21 Minimum 10 128 71 21 Maximum 110 53 47 13 nx 240 53 47 13 ny 370 53 47 13 nz 569 59 131 111 5 110 24 100 16777215 0 99999999 110 24 100 16777215 1 99999999 500 10 191 16 75 true Define processor topology 490 80 71 20 Minimum 490 130 71 20 Maximum 570 50 161 16 Number of Processors 460 72 21 261 Qt::Vertical 9 223 141 16 75 true Pressure Solver 20 276 299 51 50 - poisfft multigrid_noopt multigrid sor false - FFTW Temperton Singleton 9 263 141 21 Qt::LeftToRight Method (psolver) Qt::AlignCenter 190 263 161 21 Specify FFT-Method Qt::AlignCenter 500 169 292 131 Set fixed ratio (npex/npey) Qt::LeftToRight Strict Matching false false 44 24 999 24 false 0 24 1 3 1 false 1 3 1 1 Qt::Horizontal false 0 24 1.000000000000000 100.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 20 170 234 41 0 0 24 Set fixed ratio (nx/ny) false 0 24 60 16777215 1.000000000000000 480 292 241 16 Qt::Horizontal 500 309 151 21 Output of Spectra 20 331 701 20 Qt::Horizontal 640 420 80 31 Start 10 350 91 16 75 true Results 21 419 321 31 Welcome to the Gridfinder. 460 346 20 111 Qt::Vertical 510 420 50 31 Quit 20 380 441 23 0 true 560 420 80 31 Reset 350 420 100 31 View Data 0 0 797 22 nx_min_box nx_max_box ny_min_box ny_max_box nz_min_box nz_max_box proc_min_box proc_max_box psolver_combo_box fft_combo_box nx_ny_ratio_check nx_ny_ratio_box strict_matching_check strict_matching_box npex_npey_ratio_check npex_npey_ratio_box npex_npey_deviation_slider npex_npey_deviation_box spectra_box start_button quit_button npex_npey_deviation_slider valueChanged(int) npex_npey_deviation_box setValue(int) 580 295 693 295 npex_npey_deviation_box valueChanged(int) npex_npey_deviation_slider setValue(int) 693 295 580 295 quit_button clicked() MainWindow close() 534 456 370 249