#!/bin/ksh #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This file is part of PALM. # # PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # PALM. If not, see . # # Copyright 1997-2014 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Current revisions: # ----------------- # # # Former revisions: # ----------------- # $Id: img2video 1310 2014-03-14 08:01:56Z basit $ # # 1046 2012-11-09 14:38:45Z maronga # code put under GPL (PALM 3.9) # # 981 2012-08-09 14:57:44Z maronga # Added new codecs xvid, ffv1 and two-pass encoding # # 795 2011-12-12 15:21:03Z maronga # Added Id tag, initial Revision # # Description: # ------------ # img2video converts image files (e.g. from NCL, DVRP, VAPOR) and creates # video files with several codecs. Required packages on the local host are: # Imagemagick, MEncoder (MPlayer) and gifsicle #------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #PRESET OF VARIABLES input_folder="." output_folder="" output_file="" name="" codec="mpeg4" colors=256 errors=false fps=25 hq=false img_fmt="png" keep=true pass=1 preview_string="preview" restart=false rotate=0 scaling=1024 speedup=1 file_type="tiff" watermark="" #DEFINE STRING LENGTHS typeset -L20 col1 typeset -L40 col2 typeset -L30 version="img2video Rev$Rev: 1 $" typeset -R30 calltime typeset -L60 text1 #GET COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS while getopts :a:C:c:f:hi:I:kn:o:rR:S:s:t:Xw: option do case $option in (a) fps=$OPTARG;; (c) codec=$OPTARG;; (C) colors=$OPTARG;; (f) output_file=$OPTARG;; (h) hq=true;; (i) input_folder=$OPTARG;; (k) keep=false;; (n) name=$OPTARG;; (o) output_folder=$OPTARG;; (r) restart=true;; (R) rotate=$OPTARG;; (s) scaling=$OPTARG;; (S) speedup=$OPTARG;; (t) file_type=$OPTARG;; (w) watermark=$OPTARG;; (X) errors=true;; (\?) printf "\n +++ unknown option $OPTARG \n" printf "\n --> type \"$0 ?\" for available options \n" locat=parameter;exit;; esac done shift OPTIND-1 #PRINT HELP if [[ "$1" = "?" ]] then (printf "\n *** img2video can be called as follows:\n" printf "\n img2video -c.. -C.. -h -i.. -k -n.. -o.. -r -R.. -s.. -S.. -t.. -X -w\n" printf "\n Description of available options:\n" printf "\n Option Description Default-Value" printf "\n -a fps (frames per second) 25" printf "\n -c Video format flash" printf "\n Available formats are: flash, mpeg, mpeg4, " printf "\n mjpeg, gif, wmv2, xvid, ffv1 " printf "\n -C Number of colors (only for gif output) 256" printf "\n -f Output file name auto" printf "\n -h enable high quality \"\"" printf "\n -i Input path ." printf "\n -k Delete image files at the end " printf "\n -n Jobname \"\"" printf "\n -o Output folder see Input path" printf "\n -r Restart with existing image files " printf "\n -R Rotate by angle 0" printf "\n -s Rescaling to a width of #px 1024" printf "\n -S Video speed-up 1" printf "\n -t Input file type (tiff/eps) tiff" printf "\n -X enable output of additional error messages " printf "\n -w Watermark file \"\"" printf "\n ? this outline \n\n") | more exit elif [[ "$1" != "" ]] then printf "\n +++ Positional parameter $1 unknown \n" locat=parameter; exit fi if [[ $name == "" ]] then printf "\n +++ Parameter -n needed. Type 'img2video ?' for a full list of parameters. \n" locat=parameter; exit fi if [[ $input_folder == "." ]] then printf "\n +++ Parameter -i needed. Type 'img2video ?' for a full list of parameters. \n" locat=parameter; exit fi if [[ $output_folder == "" ]] then output_folder="$input_folder/$name" fi #PRINT HEADER TO INFORM ABOUT THE CURRENT SETTINGS calltime=$(date) printf "\n#--------------------------------------------------------------#" printf "\n| $version$calltime |" col1="" col2="" printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" text1="Initialization parameters" printf "\n| $text1 |" col1="Jobname:" col2=$name printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" col1="Input path:" col2=$input_folder printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" row=$(echo "$input_folder" | cut -c41-) while [[ "$row" != "" ]] do col1="" col2=$row printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" row=$(echo "$row" | cut -c41-) done col1="Output path:" col2=$output_folder printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" row=$(echo "$output_folder" | cut -c41-) while [[ "$row" != "" ]] do col1="" col2=$row printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" row=$(echo "$row" | cut -c41-) done if [[ "$codec" = "flash" ]] then suffix=".flv" real_codec="flv" elif [[ "$codec" = "mpeg" ]] then suffix=".avi" real_codec="msmpeg4v2" pass=2 elif [[ "$codec" = "mpeg4" ]] then suffix=".avi" real_codec="mpeg4" pass=2 elif [[ "$codec" = "mjpeg" ]] then suffix=".avi" real_codec="mjpeg" elif [[ "$codec" = "wmv2" ]] then suffix=".wmv" real_codec="wmv2" elif [[ "$codec" = "xvid" ]] then suffix=".avi" real_codec="xvid" pass=2 elif [[ "$codec" = "ffv1" ]] then suffix=".avi" real_codec="ffv1" pass=1 elif [[ "$codec" = "gif" ]] then suffix=".gif" real_codec="gif" img_fmt="gif" else printf "\n +++ Video codec unknown. Aborting..." exit fi col1="Video codec:" col2="$codec ($real_codec)" printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" if [[ $codec = "gif" ]] then col1="Colors (gif):" col2=$colors printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" fi col1="Input file type:" col2=$file_type printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" col1="Video speed-up:" col2=$speedup printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" col1="fps:" col2=$fps printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" if [[ $rotate != 0 ]] then col1="Rotate video by" col2="${rotate}°" printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" fi col1="Scaling video to" col2="${scaling}px width" printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" if [[ $watermark != "" ]] then col1="Watermark:" col2=$watermark else col1="Watermark " col2="disabled" fi printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" col1="HQ-options:" if [[ $hq = true ]] then if [[ $codec == mjpeg ]] then hq_text=":mbd=2" fi if [[ $codec == mpeg4 ]] then hq_text=":mbd=2:trell:vbitrate=2160000:keyint=132" fi col2=$hq_text else hq_text="" col2="disabled" fi printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" col1="" col2="" printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" col1="Additional settings" col2="" printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" if [[ $keep == false ]] then text1="- Image files will be deleted at the end." else text1="- Image files will be stored at the end." fi printf "\n| $text1 |" if [[ $restart == true ]] then text1="- img2video will restart with existing images." else text1="- img2video will generate new images." fi printf "\n| $text1 |" col1="" col2="" printf "\n| $col1$col2 |" if [[ $output_file = "" ]] then output_file="${name}_${speedup}acc_${codec}" fi #CHECK CYCLE NUMBER looping=true output_file_new=$output_file while [[ $looping = true ]] do if [ -f "$output_folder/$output_file_new$suffix" ] then ((run_string += 1)) output_file_new="${output_file}_$run_string" else looping=false if (( run_string >= 1 )) then output_file="${output_file}_$run_string" preview_string="preview_$run_string" fi break; fi done text1="Video will be saved as $output_file$suffix" printf "\n| $text1 |" printf "\n| |" printf "\n#--------------------------------------------------------------#\n" if [[ $errors = false ]] then error_opt="-really-quiet" error_opt2="-quiet" else error_opt="" error_opt2="" fi #STARTING CONVERSION printf "\n *** Creating directory: $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}... " mkdir -p $output_folder/images_${img_fmt} printf "done." if [[ $restart = false ]] then printf "\n *** Outdated images will be deleted in $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}... " rm -rf $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/* printf "done." printf "\n *** Converting images... " if [[ $file_type = "eps" ]] then # CONVERTING IMAGES FROM EPS TO JPG OR GIF img_counter=0 for i in $input_folder/$name*; do (( img_counter+=1 )) filename=`basename ${i%}` if [[ $img_fmt = "gif" ]] then gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -dJPEGQ=100 -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -r175 -sOutputFile="$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/${filename}.jpg" "$i" convert $error_opt2 -resize "$scaling" "$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/${filename}.jpg" "$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/${filename}.${img_fmt}" rm "$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/${filename}.jpg" else gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -dJPEGQ=100 -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -r175 -sOutputFile="$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/${filename}.${img_fmt}" "$i" fi done else for i in $input_folder/$name*; do (( img_counter+=1 )) filename=`basename ${i%}` convert $error_opt2 "$i" "$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/${filename}.${img_fmt}" done fi printf "done." printf "\n --> Converted $img_counter images." # ROTATE IMAGE IF NECESSARY if (( $rotate != 0 )) then printf "\n *** Rotating images... " for i in $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/$name*; do convert $error_opt2 -rotate $rotate $i $i done printf "done." fi # ADD WATERMARK IF NECESSARY (GIF ONLY) if [[ $watermark != "" && $img_fmt = "gif" ]] then printf "\n *** Adding Watermark (only necessary for gif)... " for i in $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/$name*; do composite $watermark "$i" "$i" done printf "done." fi # GENERATE A PREVIEW IMAGE cp $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/${filename}.$img_fmt $output_folder/${name}_${preview_string}.${img_fmt} else printf "\n *** Restarting with images in ${name}*.$img_fmt in $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/." fi #ENABLE WATERMARK (not for gif) if [[ $watermark != "" && $codec != "gif" ]] then printf "\n *** Watermark enabled." mkfifo watermark.fifo convert $watermark watermark.rgba echo "RGBA32 400 43 0 0 0 1" > watermark.fifo & cat watermark.rgba > watermark.fifo & wm_text=",bmovl=0:0:watermark.fifo" else wm_text="" fi #START ENCODING OF THE VIDEO printf "\n *** Encoding video... " if [[ $codec = "gif" ]] then # Animated GIF j=1 if (( speedup != 1 )) then cp -r $output_folder/images_${img_fmt} $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}_tmp fi for i in $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/$name*; do if (( $j == $speedup )) then j=1 else rm $i (( j += 1 )) fi done (( speedup = ( 1.0 / $fps ) * 100.0 )) gifsicle --delay=$speedup --colors $colors --loop $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*.${img_fmt} > $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix if (( speedup != 1 )) then cp $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}_tmp/* $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/ rm -r $output_folder/images_${img_fmt}_tmp fi else if [[ $real_codec = "xvid" ]] then mencoder mf://$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*$img_fmt -vf "scale=$scaling:-2$wm_text,filmdint=io=$speedup:1" -of lavf -mf "fps=$fps" -ovc xvid -xvidencopts "pass=1:autoaspect" -nosound -o $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix $error_opt mencoder mf://$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*$img_fmt -vf "scale=$scaling:-2$wm_text,filmdint=io=$speedup:1" -of lavf -mf "fps=$fps" -ovc xvid -xvidencopts "pass=2:autoaspect:bitrate=1800" -nosound -o $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix $error_opt elif [[ $pass = 2 ]] then mencoder mf://$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*$img_fmt -vf "scale=$scaling:-2$wm_text,filmdint=io=$speedup:1" -of lavf -mf "fps=$fps" -ovc lavc -lavcopts "vpass=1:vcodec=$real_codec$hq_text" -nosound -o $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix $error_opt mencoder mf://$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*$img_fmt -vf "scale=$scaling:-2$wm_text,filmdint=io=$speedup:1" -of lavf -mf "fps=$fps" -ovc lavc -lavcopts "vpass=2:vcodec=$real_codec$hq_text" -nosound -o $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix $error_opt else mencoder mf://$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*$img_fmt -vf "scale=$scaling:-2$wm_text,filmdint=io=$speedup:1" -of lavf -mf "fps=$fps" -ovc lavc -lavcopts "vcodec=$real_codec$hq_text" -nosound -o $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix $error_opt fi # # mencoder mf://$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*$img_fmt -vf "scale=$scaling:-2$wm_text,filmdint=io=$speedup:1" -of lavf -mf "fps=$fps" -ovc lavc -lavcopts "vcodec=$real_codec:vpass=2:mbd=2:mv0:trell:vbitrate=infinity" -nosound -o $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix $error_opt # mencoder mf://$output_folder/images_${img_fmt}/*$img_fmt -vf "scale=$scaling:-2$wm_text,filmdint=io=$speedup:1" -of lavf -mf "fps=$fps" -ovc lavc -lavcopts "vcodec=$real_codec:vpass=3:mbd=2:mv0:trell:vbitrate=infinity" -nosound -o $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix $error_opt fi printf "done." #CLEANING UP #REMOVE IMAGES if [[ $keep = false ]] then rm -rf $output_folder/images_${img_fmt} fi #REMOVE WATERMARK FILES if [[ $watermark != "" && $codec != "gif" ]] then rm watermark.fifo rm watermark.rgba fi printf "\n --> All actions finished. Video saved as $output_folder/${output_file}$suffix.\n" exit